Hi ladies,
I'm brand new to this board. I've been posting in October 2012 since I found out I was pregnant in February. I didn't have a dating ultrasound because I knew my LMP and my midwife didn't see it as medically necessary, so I had my first ultrasound yesterday at 19 weeks, 6 days and we found twin boys. To say I'm shell shocked is an understatement.
I've been growing and gaining weight normally for a woman pregnant with one (popped last week, have gained 4-5 lb), and while I've been sicker than the average pregnant woman (nausea until almost 15 weeks, slightly low iron with some fainting and general uncomfortableness), I wasn't sick enough to raise any red flags of multiples. I have a strong family history of multiples in my family, and my husband's father is a fraternal twin, so I knew we had a chance but figured it was nothing to worry about. Ha!
Today I'm just trying to process. I feel so guilty for saying this, but I'm having a hard time feeling happy about this development. My husband is ecstatic, and I know I'll get there, but right now all I can think about is all the changes this means (financial, lifestyle, sanity) and it feels insurmountable. I struggled for 18 months to get pregnant, so I'm being especially hard on myself because of how much I longed to be a mother and now I am...but to two instead of one.
I know a lot of this will pass in the next few days, but for now I'm just looking for other moms of multiples to tell me everything is going to be OK, and to share some advice. This is my first pregnancy and our first child(ren), so I'm just really bowled over.
Re: Surprise twins at 20 weeks
Sickness, beta levels, etc. are never an indicator of how many babies you may have. So unless you happened to be growing at warp speed (I did, but not all do!) you probably wouldn't have known anyway. It can be a hard pill to swallow, but hey - you made it halfway through the pregnancy without a lot of the worries some people go through!! Ignorance is bliss as they say LOL
Give yourself time to process this news, it's a huge shock for sure. YH isn't the one carrying twins, and from here on out this pregnancy will be much different than a single gestation would be. Don't feel bad that you aren't elated yet. It takes time, and eventually you'll get there. Congrats on your boys
WOW! Anatomy scans are always a big deal but yours takes the cake! Congratulations!
Don't be hard on yourself, there are days where I am depressed/guilty/etc about having twins. Give yourself time, a lot of time! It is funny really, when I found out it was more than 1 (I went to the doctor for bleeding and he actually saw 3 sacs), I nearly fainted. Finding out that you are having twins is when you really need a big glass of wine - oh the irony!
Our Twin Baby + a Big Girl Blog
And with the delivery trifecra of one twin vaginal, one c-section with general anesthesia for twin B, Spencer and Sidney joined us at 35 weeks exactly on June 18.
Congratulations on two healthy babies!
Don't be too hard on yourself. It's big news to get and takes a while to process. Planning for 2 babies isn't the same as planning for 1. When the ultrasound tech told us "and there's the other one" it took us about 2 weeks to go from complete shock to pure excitement. There are still times when I feel overwhelmed wondering how we will manage, but the thoughts of 2 happy babies usually eases these feelings.
I shouldn't even admit this, but maybe it will make you feel better about your less than elated feelings. We struggled with IF for almost two years. My BFP beta was high, but I was holding out happiness for the 6 wk ultrasound my RE does. While there, they saw three----THREE---heartbeats. We transferred one embryo. I listened well, didn't say much. RE left and I straight up lost my sh!t. Ugly cry on the table, DH could consol me, I didn't care who heard. When I had to leave that room it was so obvious--I got pity looks from EVERYONE.
MY feelings passed, and after weeks of taking it in I'm looking forward to adjusting my expectations. Don't feel bad if you aren't happy right now, we all went through that. Best wishes, and welcome!
Thank you for sharing your story. When the ultrasound tech told us (and...there's another baby!) my husband, bless his heart, lit up like a Christmas tree and said "that's AWESOME!" I burst into tears.
I later had to ask the tech to stop for a few minutes because I was about to pass out. So I'm glad I'm not the only one to have an ugly moment on the ultrasound chair!
Congratulations! I have know for the past 4 weeks that we are expecting twins and I am still in shock and somewhat terrified of how our lives are going to change. We already have a son who is so amazing. Both my husband and I are having a hard time swallowing this pill. At least your husband is ecstatic and can get you on the happy side soon.
Good Luck.
First off, congratulations!
Second, don't feel at all bad about not being happy right away. It's huge shock to be told there's two in there because, frankly, it's not normal! And, especially having gone halfway through your pregnancy not having that information, you simply weren't mentally prepared. Give it some time, and you'll start to feel that excitement. There will always be an element of fear, but the excitement will eventually outweigh it! I know, for me, hanging around this board for a few days helped me get from panicked to excited, because I was able to see that all these other people were in the same boat as me, and were just fine. I was able to see all the beautiful multiples, hear stories, and gain wisdom from all the MoMs that have gone before me!
Other than telling you that this board is probably the best source of advice and support I've found for MoMs, I think the best advice for you is to stay away from Dr.Google (you'll only end up completely freaked out), and listen to your doctors and their orders!
Hey lady! Congrats! We just got surprised last week at our 18 wk u/s with twin boys. No twins in either family, skipped the early u/s, and only morning sickness for symptoms. I was a wreck in the u/s chair while my husband was glowing and ooh-ing and ahh-ing. And I'm still very much in shock, and can't imagine it will pass soon. Maybe when they actually arrive
I can totally empathize with not feeling instantly happy about all of this. We have a 2 year old daughter who is totally insane right now, and thinking about wrangling her and keeping twins alive and happy is making my head spin! Not to mention worrying about sleep, money, a bigger house, whatever, times two. I'm right there with you!
Congratulations! We found out about our ID boys at 19 weeks so I can totally relate to your shock and overwhelming emotions! I cried and laughed for about 10 minutes after the tech told us because I did not know what to do with the news. It took me a good 2 weeks to get over the initial shock. I am 30 weeks now, and I can say the shock wears off but has truly never gone away. There are still days my husband and I look at each other and just laugh about having twins because we know it will be quite an experience. It is exciting and scary all at once. Everyone I have talked to that has twins says it is the most amazing experience, so I can't wait to meet my boys. Hope you are feeling well...and congrats again!
Saw you live in NC, we are in Charlotte NC. Too hot already!!
I was barely sick at all..just like maybe 4 days total...and not really sick. Never vomited. Just nausea. I did grow at warp speed though. I was actually out of my jeans at 7 weeks. I had to buy maternity already. I found out @ 10 weeks I was pregnant with twins and not too surprised - just shocked. As for the shock? It does not really go away...just transforms into "survival mode" when they are born. I will say this - it's really hard when they are first born, but it's very do-able. I promise. Take good care of yourself during this pregnancy. Listen to your body. HUGS. @ Congrats!!