Austin Babies


Does anyone have any experience with any of the male OBs at AAOBGYN and could recommend someone?  Dr. Pevoto is leaving and I can't do Dr. Seeker (I love him, but the wait times are too long).  Thanks!
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Re: AAOBGYN docs

  • I was with Seeker and loved him but he didn't deliver me.  Dr. Akin did and I say stay far away from him.  He's a jerk.  That's all I can say but thought I'd give you that info.
  • I absolutely love Dr. Seeker.  To be honest, I've never had to wait long at all.  No longer than 10 minutes.  
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  • I've had long wait times with Seeker, but I've just come to expect that now.  Schedule early in the morning with him to minimize the wait.  Even if you do end up waiting, he's well worth it.  I haven't had experiences with any of the other doctors.  Sorry.
  • I use Dr. Phillips and love him. Great attitude, patient and very knowledgable. He delivered Alli and was great handling my post partum pre eclampsia. Best dr I've ever had honestly. 
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  • I have been going to Dr. Phillips for 10+ years. He is awesome and delivered my baby 9 months ago!
  • Betts12Betts12 member

    Sorry I can't offer a suggestion but just wanted to chime in that I was Dr. Seeker's patient last year.  The wait times, like you said, are outrageous.  We waited 2 hours once.

    Dr. Cowan delivered me.  Avoid him.  I've had two friends who were his patients and both had very bad experiences.  (Frankly, I'm switching practices because I don't want to risk another delivery by Dr. Cowan if he's on call.)

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  • Dr. Capet is amazing!  I love her, and am really going to miss her.  Had my last appointment with her today.
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  • Dr. Cowan is awesome!  He delivered my first baby and 5 of friends also use him and love him!  Yes the wait times can be long but it's worth it and if you make early morning appointments it's not too bad. Dr. Cowan is so friendly and his nursing staff are also very friendly and caring. 
  • Huh. I CHOSE Dr. Akin because I had fibroid complications, and he was awesome! So was his head nurse!
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  • I have been seeing Dr. Phillips for over a year now and the only time we had a longish wait was when he was upstairs for a delivery. The nurses let us know right away why there was a delay and I did not mind waiting.  I have found him to be the best OBGYN I have had in the last 20 years.  He helped us through IUI's and then gave great recommendations for an IVF clinic. We are back with Dr. Phillips now that we are pregnant. 

    I have only had to see one other doctor at AAOBGYN, due to a weekend IUI. It was a female and I do not remember her name.

    I just found out on mother's day that my sister in law and her mother in law both see Dr. Phillips. The MIL is a RN and she has high praise for Dr. Phillips. If that is any help.

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  • I have not had any experience with the male doctors, however I see Dr. Capet.  She is young however she has a great bedside manner and has been great so far.  After a miscarraige in January, this time around she is being extra precausious with me.  I totally recommend her.

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  • I use Dr. Cowan and love him so far.  He perfomed my d&c in April and I started going to him in March of this year when we got our IUI.  We will be going back for another IUI with him in September and plan on using him in our (hopefully) pregnancy.
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  • toriitorii member
    I've been with Dr. Akin since before I was pregnant. I adore him and his nurses! My delivery was also great (induction). When I was discharged, I saw Dr. Phillips and I have to say he was even more amazing than Dr. Akin. He was so kind and soft spoken. 
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  • I love dr Cowan and love his nurses. 
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  • Dr. Phillips delivered my twins in April. He was very calm and comforting during a high risk pregnancy. He did a great job talking to my husband and was willing to discuss all our questions thoroughly. I had to have a c-section despite hoping otherwise and he did a great job with that too.

    I did wait one time for about 40 minutes. The nurses told me he was upstairs in a delivery and he would be down asap. I was very pregnant and they let me go into a room and lay on the exam table, which was much better than sitting in the waiting room.

    They seemed to do a good job with scheduling and I always was able to schedule appointments without any issue until I got into the once a week appointments, where I then sometimes had to go in the afternoons instead of the mornings as my husband preferred. Otherwise, it was easy to get in when I needed to.

  • Chris Wilson at Gynics Associates in central Austin is great. He delivered both my girls and I never had a wait (pregnant patients get priority--I've had to wait a little when it's just my annual visit). His nurse has been there forever also and is very friendly. He will take time to answer all your questions. He's always on the list for best docs in Austin. He looks like he's over 60 now, so I would bet he'll be retiring soon, but in the meantime, he's worth a look.
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