

Hey M!

How are you doing?  I've been meaning to e-mail you to see how Gina and Emi are :)  Hope things are going well!


Re: **REOM**

  • Hi Dana!

    Sofia is gorgeous, as per usual. How is she doing? I am really enjoying this age- they are so fun  Everyone here is great.  Emi is a nighttime cluter feeder, so I am here most nights from 6-10. LOL

    I am headed down your way. My sister and I are going to the NKOTB concert Wednesday at the Wachovia Center. Can't wait!!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Glad things are going well!

    Sofia is doing great- she is loving daycare right now, and I can't believe all that she is learning.  She comes home saying and doing so many new things- it's amazing!

    NKOTB sounds great!  Have fun!

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