
Please use this opportunity to brag (if it applies)...I really wanna hear

I have about had it with the celebrity twin moms. They all have super flat stomachs, no stretch marks, no twin skin, no sagging....WHATEVER!!! And none of them will fess up and say they had a TT or something like that. They all claim to have done yoga or swimming or having an amazing trainer.

I lost all my prego weight and was back in my pre-prego clothes by the time my kids were 6 weeks old, and I'm damn proud of that, but my stomach will never ever look the same unless I have some sort of surgical intervention. and I am so tired of looking at J. Lo and Mariah, etc in belly shirts and low riders.

So I just want to mnany of you can actually claim this is true? No stretch marks? No belly? Skin tightened right back up. You running around in a bikini this summer? I would love to hear this from a real person!

(I posted this over on 1st tri by mistake, so obviously my brain not up to par either)

Re: Please use this opportunity to brag (if it applies)...I really wanna hear

  • Great job losing baby weight so fast!  I too lost all (plus add'l 10lbs) baby weight withing 2 mo, and I was so surprised it happened too!  I was able to wear clothes I hadn't in a couple of years.  : )  I never got any stretch marks, but that is bc of "good skin" (my mom didn't have any either).

    However, belly is still flabby, and not bikini ready.  : (  I think a lot of exercise can fix that, but I don't have the time or energy to do so.  So, with that being said, and packing for our long weekend at the beach, cover ups will remain my friend to cover baby belly.  :)


    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Congrats to you both for losing the weight! And thank you for asking this question! So far I don't have any stretch marks...but I've definitely gained weight! I'm still growing and every day I wonder what will happen to my body post babies...will I ever look the same again??

    I guess only time will tell!

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  • Missa_gMissa_g member
    No stretch marks here!  But I'm still 13lbs over my starting weight with a very jiggly tummy.
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    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
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    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
  • I lost the weight plus a little more, and my stomach is back to being relatively flat, but it is SO not the same. My belly button is still an outie, but it is surrounded by a big dent. The belly button itself darkened for some reason, and there are stretch marks radiating around it, which have faded but may not go away completely. And the skin itself has a very weird texture, like an old lady's neck. So, I look great with clothes on, but will NOT be rocking a bikini any time soon. I hope the skin itself firms up a bit.


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  • I'm almost 5 weeks out. I lost 40 of the 53 I gained in about 10 was a lot of water and baby.

     No stretch marks here either. My stomach is not what it was, but I see sme of it returning slowly, I was always blessed with a flat stomach (weight goes to my hips and thighs), so I'm hoping once I start working out again things will tighten up slightly. I still have a linea nigra though and it hasn't faded a bit.

    I have about 12 pounds to lose. Mostly in my hips and love handle area, so not all my pants fit like they use to I.e. muffin top!  

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  • No bragging here, my midsection is a lost cause unless someone pays for a TT for me.  I only gained 20lbs, but it was all baby/water/placenta and they stretched me out so far beond what I felt was possible it's not even funny.  The more weight I lose the saggier my skin gets.  :(
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  • My girls are a year old now. I'm tall at 5 10 but I gained a lot, about 65 pounds. I've lost all of it and can fit in my old clothes and have light stretch marks on my hips. They've lightened a lot over the last year. None on my stomach. I did however used to be somewhat toned, that is not the case now. My skin is very loose and wrinkly. I dont do actual work outs, I do go for a lot of walks etc.  I'm happy to have lost the weight but will not be wearing a bikini ever again.


  • I'm a mixed bag... I was plus size pre-pregnancy, but much of the extra weight I attribute to the stress and meds from IVF. Lost all the pregnancy weight plus an additional 25 pounds in the first couple months just from pumping and having little time to eat (or being too sleep deprived to remember!). If it makes any sense, I've always been a fairly toned bigger girl, but now I'm just flabby. Stretch marks and flabby skin=not so cute Sad
    TTC for 3 years. Finally successful after 5 IUIs and 2 cycles of IVF. Our amazing twins were born 5 weeks early on 8/16/11. Found out April 2012 that our di/di twins are ID.

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  • imageMrsLee04:
    My belly went back to pre-pg looks very quickly. No stretch marks, loose skin, etc. I was in a bikini the following summer. I didn't do anything, I just have good genes (my mom was the same way when she had me and I was over 10 lbs at birth and she's smaller than me).

    I'll totally admit to being envious of you right now. I was never skinny or had a bikini body to begin with but there's absolutely no possibility of it now. I was stretched so far I have stretch marks from my groin to above my belly button :(. But despite this I somehow find I'm more comfortable in my skin in general. So I'll brag about that :) 

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  • Bikinis will continue to be my archnemesis. I gained about 50lbs with the boys (almost half of that in the last 2.5 weeks due to pre-e and swelling/retaining MASSIVE amounts of water). So far, I've lost all the baby weight, plus an additional 30-ish pounds, with another 40-45lbs to go before goal (I was definitely a plus-size girl at the beginning of my pregnancy).

    A TT is definitely in my future. I just have to graduate and finish my family and it WILL happen. No point in having the TT until I'm done having babies, right? But the stretch marks...well, let's just say they're ALL OVER. My thighs, my back, my lady bits, my stomach (pretty much all the way up to my ribs). It's BAD! I'm just praying that by the time I'm done having kids, there's a miracle worker of a plastic surgeon that can help me get rid of them. If not, I might just be wearing a wetsuit to the pool...

    But you know what? I wouldn't change it. I have my boys and that's more than some people can say. 

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  • mirnbmirnb member
    I'm interested in what people have to say about this too....also interested to know how much weight they gained and how many weeks they carried! My boys are 6 months old and I've still got 8lbs to lose and a twin skin, stretch marked flabby tummy...i was tiny to begin with (108lbs) so I feel there is no hope for this overstretched skin...FYI gained 45lbs and carried 38 weeks
  • If you were fit pre pregnancy it will be much easier to get your body back.  I was in a bikini (not top shape, but bikini ready) by 3 months. 

    I don't believe for a second that Mariah hasn't had work done, but other twin moms I totally don't think it was necessary for them to have work done

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