
Fish is still alive...

but now swimming upside down.

Tonight will be a sad night in our home...

Re: Fish is still alive...

  • It's not sounding good. :-(
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • whatever you do .... do NOT flush it while hes still awake.  I made that mistake and Josh literally camped out next to the toilet for 2 days hoping the fish would come back up the toilet.
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
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  • OMG krisbri, I just laughed out loud... we will wait until Lucas goes to sleep!
  • Sorry about your fish.  When ours died last year, we flushed it after Regan went to bed.  The next day we got home and she wanted to feed her fish, not even noticing it was gone.  I think it took her about 2 months before she realized there was not a fish in the tank anymore.  One day she just looked at us and asked "Felix?" and I said he is gone hunny and that was the end of that.  LOL.


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