Washington Babies

Traveling to Seattle and I need a babysitter! Please Rec Yours!

Can anyone recommend a babysitting services company or babysitter in Seattle? I will be travelling to Seattle for the Rock n Roll half marathon and need to find a mature, reliable, responsible sitter to watch DD while I run.

I tried sittercity but they can't process international credit cards (I'm from Canada).

Any recommendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Re: Traveling to Seattle and I need a babysitter! Please Rec Yours!

  • I've never used it, but I've heard care.com is a good resource. 
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hi there,

     We got our nanny thru Care.com and they're great, but kind of expensive. Our nanny does on call work for care.com - if you'd like her number let me know. She's WONDERFUL and very trustworthy. 




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  • No recs, as my trusted sitter will be watching my daughter while I run the race.

    Just wanted to say great job for running a half with a kid under 1!!  It's taken me until K is two to get up the courage to race again :)  Good luck!

    J + J = K image Photo by J. Shelton Photography Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • BabyT11BabyT11 member

    No recs, as my trusted sitter will be watching my daughter while I run the race.

    Just wanted to say great job for running a half with a kid under 1!!  It's taken me until K is two to get up the courage to race again :)  Good luck!

    Thanks! Good luck to you as well!
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  • BabyT11BabyT11 member

    Hi there,

     We got our nanny thru Care.com and they're great, but kind of expensive. Our nanny does on call work for care.com - if you'd like her number let me know. She's WONDERFUL and very trustworthy. 




    I've emailed Care.com to see if I can register. If not I may send an email your way. Thanks!
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