
Do I really need to see my OB every 2 weeks?

Honestly, I kind of feel like its silly. My OB doesn't do ultrasounds, I go to my perinatologist for that and he's been having me come every four weeks so far.  All my OB does is ask how I feel, listen to the heartbeats with a doppler and take a urine sample.

It's not always easy for me to leave work and get up to her office (traffic here is awful) and I really am starting to feel like every 2 weeks is just overkill if I don't feel any different.

What do you all think?

Re: Do I really need to see my OB every 2 weeks?

  • On one hand, I agree. ?It seems like overkill. I've already considered dropping my OB altogether if my peri will agree to deliver me.

    On the other hand, I'm reading Dr. Luke's book and it's making me all paranoid to never question your doctor's recommendation. ?You're growing 2 babies in there-- I feel compelled to just go where I'm told.

  • I can't stand those "quickie" appts.  If ya ain't gonna do an ultrasound I don't see how they can get the big picture.  I guess the BP is being monitored and protein in the urine.  And any pain you point out is "normal". 

    Thankfully I'm not going every 2 weeks yet but this might change as of this Friday. 

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  • I started going every 2 weeks around 20 weeks. I'm still seeing the peri every 4 weeks. As much as I hate going every 2 weeks, I like that they check my blood pressure and I can ask them any questions that I have or tell them if something seems abnormal. So, do I like it? No. It's a quick appointment, but better safe and having too many appointments then not enough I guess.
  • You are at a higher risk for pre-e due to multiples so that urine test and BP check is pretty important.

    Could you ask to see your peri exclusively and then get an u/s every visit or ask your OB to do an u/s to at least see the babies?  I don't see an OB at all.  I get an u/s and cervix check at every visit with my peri (was every 2 weeks but now I'm up to weekly appointments).  Well, now weekly NSTs are replacing the cervix check I think but you get the point....

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  • Pain in the ass that it is, yep, by 30 weeks, every two weeks is standard.  Actually, I went every week at that point, but I didn't see a peri.  Ultrasounds every two weeks, NST's every week, protein check, bp check and doppler every appt.  If you make it to 35-36 you might have bi-weekly appts, I did up until delivery.  Hang in there!
  • I hear ya!  My OB just moved me to weekly appointments.  I am seeing my OB exclusively (we live in a small town, the closest peri is 3 hours away).  It does feel a bit like overkill, but I guess it makes me feel better that they are checking the heart rates, etc. 

     I have several friends that went in for appointments (at various stages in thier pregnancy) and when the doctor checked the baby/ies heart rates they found high/low rates and thank goodness the doctor checked them because if they had not they could have had serious issues.  So, for the sake of the babies, I guess it's not overkill.

  • I have been seeing my OB every 2 weeks since I was 16 weeks and at 21 weeks I started seeing my peri every 2 weeks as well. Sure the appointments are quick, but I really like the reassurance that she gives me, letting me know everything is going well and staying on track. Also, my OB really takes her time with us and doesnt make us feel rushed through all of our questions. Even though I see her often I still always have questions. I figure she is the professional and knows what is best for me and and my babies and she is doing her job to make sure we have the best care possible.
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