
Intro: DS born at 29 weeks

Hi everyone!  I am writing on my phone from the NICU, so pardon my formatting. I went into labor at 28 weeks 5 days and after two trips to the doctor (who determined nothing was wrong) after some leaking and cramping. I went into labor nd delivery on the morning of may 6th and they sent me to Maine medical center because I was 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced and our local hospital does not handle preemies. The doctors tried to delay labor with magnesium but it did not work..DS came flying into the world at 3:51 on may 7th. He weighed 2 lbs 15 oz and was 14 1/2 inches long. We have been in the NICU ever since. Ds lost 8 oz and Is just today back up to his. Irth weight. The doctors are very happy with how well he has done...he was breathing room air a couple of days after birth. He is still in the isolette for warmth, receives caffeine and drinks his milk through his feedig tube. Otherwise, he is just growing away all  on his own. We have been here just over two weeks now. The days are long with travel back and forth to the hospital. We are so lucky that chase is doing so well. It is and will continue to be a long road ahead but I am thig to keep positive. I look forward to gettin to know you all!
Chemical Pregnancy 2001, Married 8/8/09, TTC April 2011, BFP 5/8/11, Missed M/C @ 9wk5d, D&C 6/21/11 BFP 11/13/11 Chase Everett born at 29wks 0 days on 5/7/12 at 2 lbs 14 oz, 14 1/2 inches long.

Re: Intro: DS born at 29 weeks

  • Congratulations on your baby boy!  I hope the rest of your son's hospital stay goes well and that he will soon be home with you in the coming weeks. 

    imageimageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image BFP on 07/18/08. Miscarriage 07/30/08. BFP 3/25/09. Confirmed second miscarriage, no heartbeat, no growth beyond 7 weeks, 5/19/09. TTC again, on baby aspirin, due to value of 23 on Anticardiolipin Antibodies. BFP 11/15/09. Brown spotting, Beta 3735 11/25/09, Beta 5602 11/28/09. Anticardiolipin Antibodies now negative, still on baby asprin. On 100 mg of Prometrium (progesterone) until 10 weeks. Good heartbeat at 1st appt. 12/16/09. Started taking fish oil. Perigestational hemorrhage and red bleeding 12/17/09. 2nd Ultrasound-8 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/17/09. Baby measured 9 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/23/09. Good NT Scan on 1/8/10, heartbeat 164. EDD 7/28/10. TEAM BLUE! Aidan Thomas born on May 26, 2010. Baby #2, BFP 11/27/11, EDD 6/5/12. TEAM PINK! Noelle Elizabeth born 4/30/12. Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God.
  • Congrats on your son!  It sounds like he's doing great.  I have 28 week twins.  They came home 10 days before their due date and are doing wonderful.  Best wishes to you and I hope his NICU stay continues uneventfully.  Hang in there!
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  • DrRxDrRx member
    Congratulations on your little boy! I'm glad to hear that you are trying to sty positive-- for me it made it a little easier.  The ladies on this board are wonderful!
    TTC Since July 2008.
    Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
    Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
    Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
    9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
    FET 1 3/2013 BFN
    FET 2 5/2013 BFN
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Although it's much sooner than you would have wanted, CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your precious son!! I had my baby boy at 29 weeks also. You're doing a lot better than I was two weeks out... I was sobbing my eyes out every few minutes, worried about him. Let me tell you, these 29-weekers are feisty and I quickly learned I didn't have to feel sorry for my little fighter... in fact he's the one who gave me strength to get through it and his feisty spirit yanked me right out of my depression over having him so early! It sounds like Chase is doing great too... life in the NICU is a long journey that sometimes seems like it will never come to an end, but when it does, it will all be SO worth it! Please post photos of Chase when you are able! 

    Julia ~ six miscarriages ~ our sweet miracle baby, Jack, due 5/3/12, was born at 29w1d on February 17, 2012, weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers BabyFetus Ticker
  • Congratulations Mama! Love the name Chase. Praying for a short and uneventful NICU stay. Definitely keep us posted.



  • Pips09Pips09 member
    Congratulations on your baby!
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

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