Our LO turned 9 months on the 17th. He was born at 35 weeks 4lbs 14oz.. His check up is next week and I am concerned about his ht and wt. At home on our scale with clothes and diaper he is 16lbs. At his 6 month check up he was 15lbs 3oz. He looks healthy and is a happy baby, but comparatively he is a lot smaller than 9 month old babies. I have bought my concern up with his MD in the past and she continues to assure me that as long as he stays on the same curve and doesn't fall beneath it drastically he is ok and he just a little guy. He has been in 5th percentile for true age and 10th percentile adjusted age. On a normal day he eats a stage 3 jar of gerber fruit mixed with cereal, an 8 oz( though doesnt always finish it) around 9:30 a yogurt for lunch, another bottle and snack (puffs) mid afternoon, dinner stage 2 or stage 3 chicken and veg and then another 8 oz bottle before bed. I called around to some pediatricians office today and they dont take patients for second opinions, we'd have to transfer all of his records etc. I guess what I'm wondering is if I'm over reacting or by this information should I be concerned. FYI preemie friend born 10 weeks early and 2 months younger weighs 18lbs, and 7.5 month old friends daughter weighs 20lbs.
Re: Growth problems
I'd try not to worry if your dr. isn't too worried. My DS was born at 35w0d and was 4 lbs, 10.5 oz at birth. He had problems gaining weight in the beginning and still is a bit. At his 4 month well visit yesterday, he weighed 10 lbs, 10.2 oz. Pedi said she had hoped he would have gained more weight but she's not alarmed at this point. But they think he's got a milk protein allergy. So I'm supposed to cut out all dairy.
It's hard not to compare your LO to others but try not to! I keep hearing that by the time they're 2 years old or so, they catch up. I'm hopeful that this is the case. GL!