

What time is trigger tonight and retrieval on Friday?  Did you tell your mom?

I'm very excited for you!

3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: ~*~Ironmom2be~*~

  • Hey there! I don't know, nurse hasn't called yet!! Thank goodness I'm busy at work to keep me occupied! I'll update as soon as I hear!! Thanks for checking in :)
    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Trigger at 9pm, ER at 9 on Friday (we check in at 8am!!!) Ekkkkk, it's really happening!! How are you feeling?
    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • imageIronmom2be:
    Trigger at 9pm, ER at 9 on Friday (we check in at 8am!!!) Ekkkkk, it's really happening!! How are you feeling?


    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks, Ang!! How are you doing???
    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • delinodelino member

    Yay!!!!! That's so exciting!  I will be thinking of you and can't wait to hear about your retrieval!  Good luck with the trigger.  Mine was a piece of cake.

    I feel good today. Once I got past transfer, I was so much more relaxed.  Try to relax tomorrow.  Maybe get a massage or something.  I went and got a spa pedicure and did acupuncture the night before retrieval.

    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
    IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageIronmom2be:
    Thanks, Ang!! How are you doing???


    Good... bloated but hopefully i can trigger tomorrow.

  • I'm not really afraid about it. After 3 d&cs im not afraid of much down there :(

    Im glad you're feeling more relaxed! I'll try to relax after work tomorrow. I'll probably walk on my treadmill the morning of, it's therapudic these days since they won't let me run :(

    Rhanks for the well wishes, the next day and a half is going to go so slow!!! 

    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageAngnShaun:

    Thanks, Ang!! How are you doing???


    Good... bloated but hopefully i can trigger tomorrow.

    For real??? Squeeeeeee! I didn't realize you were so close!!! Yay! 

    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • delinodelino member

    3 D&C's?  I thought 2?  Not that it's much better.

    Walking is good!  I've been a slug and am getting restless. 

    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
    IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagedelino:

    3 D&C's?  I thought 2?  Not that it's much better.

    Walking is good!  I've been a slug and am getting restless. 

    Bleh- 2 losses, Three d&c's ( retained product in second loss, I won't scare you with all the details) anyway, never thought I'd be this comfy with so many people up in my junk, but you gotta do what you gotta do. There was a time after our second loss (a couple months ago) where I said to my h " oh, right I have another dr's apt. It's only been 2 days since a stranger has been between my legs" sigh. Ugh, glad that's over but ivf isn't much better!! 

    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • delinodelino member
    I hear ya.  I couldn't count the number of people that have seen my vagagay if I wanted to.  For transfer there were 4 people...yes 4.  3 of them had never seen my nether region before.  Fun!
    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
    IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Lol, I don't think anyone there on Friday will have previously seen mine :P
    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • delinodelino member
    5 minutes till trigger.  Good luck!
    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
    IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • all done :) now I just show up on Friday!!
    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageIronmom2be:
    Trigger at 9pm, ER at 9 on Friday (we check in at 8am!!!) Ekkkkk, it's really happening!! How are you feeling?

    Yay!!! It is really happening. Almost time! FX for you.

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