Baby Names

Figured out how to make a poll-Daxon, Davin or Cooper?

Before we found out the sex of our baby we had narrowed names down to Owen for a boy and Ellie for a girl.  As soon as we found out we were having a boy good friends of ours gave birth to their third child and named him Owen. :/  I don't want our kids to have the same name so we are back to the drawing board for name searching.  I LOVE the name Jackson, however our last name is a girls first name (begining with L) and I am so worried people will nick name him Jack, and then his name would be a girls name.  In your oppion what name is best?  My husband and I each have first names that start with D so should we keep with the D theme and name him Daxon or Davin?

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Re: Figured out how to make a poll-Daxon, Davin or Cooper?

  • I don't understand why his name would be a girl's name if he ended up with the NN Jack. Do you mean Jackie? Even seems like an odd consideration. Jackie can be a boy's name too...and if you don't want a certain NN, just say so.

    That being said, I definitely like Cooper the best of these options. I think Daxon and Davin are kind of silly. And with Jackson, you will definitely run into the same problem of someone "stealing" your name soon...that name is hella popular. 

  • If your LN is what I think it is (Jack + LN = Jacqueline?), I think you would be better off avoiding names that end in the -en/-in/-on/-an sounds. They sounds sort of rhymey/singsongy.
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  • good point! thank you
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  • imageplunderb:
    If your LN is what I think it is (Jack + LN = Jacqueline?), I think you would be better off avoiding names that end in the -en/-in/-on/-an sounds. They sounds sort of rhymey/singsongy.

    ohhhhhhhhh gotcha. I'm caught up now, I think

  • MoFreeMoFree member
    Cooper, then Davin, Jackson and Daxon.  I don't the popularity of Daxon, since it sounds ugly and like a mispronunciation of Jackson.
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  • ansi29ansi29 member

    I don't really understand your logic against Jackson.  I had a dog once named Cooper, so I don't think of it as a person name but it's my second choice out of your picks.  

    Instead of Jackson or Cooper, if you decided that you want to use the letter D, how about something less made up? Owen was a great start, I'd go back to the baby name book and look at D names. Some thoughts: 








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  • Jackson by default.  Cooper is a last name, and I've never heard of Daxon or Davin.  Daxon is especially bad.

    I like Owen better by a mile than all four of the names in your poll.

  • The only one I'd even consider is Cooper, and while it's cute, it's getting to be as overexposed as Jackson and I feel it's too juvenile. What about Davis instead of Davin? If your last name is Lynn, none of those names really "go" well.
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  • I'd still go with Owen. 
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  • Cooper by a landslide.

    I like the suggestion of Davis if you're looking for a "D" name. 

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  • I happen to like the name Daxon. It is on our short list for boys. I tried it on this board once and got these same reactions you are getting.

    For me, Jackson and Cooper are way too common/popular these days. Davin isn't bad either, but I prefer Daxon of the two. I might be one of the only ones on this board that will say that though. I would say, if you like it, go for it!

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  • On the nickname, my oldest is Jackson, and we just made it a point to tell everyone from the start his name is Jackson, not Jack.  Everyone calls him Jackson and it has never been a problem.  I still love it, go with your gut, you're the one who needs to love it (and your dh of course)
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  • imageatrinh11:

    I happen to like the name Daxon. It is on our short list for boys. I tried it on this board once and got these same reactions you are getting.

    For me, Jackson and Cooper are way too common/popular these days. Davin isn't bad either, but I prefer Daxon of the two. I might be one of the only ones on this board that will say that though. I would say, if you like it, go for it!


    I know its an unusual name so I'm not suprised most people dont' care for it.  I don't happen to like the very common names like Mike, John etc.  Thank you for your kind words :)

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  • tlh03tlh03 member
    I voted for Davin. I personally know a Davin and his middle name is Ryan. I think it's very uncommon and a neat name. Although a lot of people mispronounce it, he often gets called dah-vin (i joke with him and call him this occasionally) or devin.
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  • imageNewbostonmomma:

    I happen to like the name Daxon. It is on our short list for boys. I tried it on this board once and got these same reactions you are getting.

    For me, Jackson and Cooper are way too common/popular these days. Davin isn't bad either, but I prefer Daxon of the two. I might be one of the only ones on this board that will say that though. I would say, if you like it, go for it!


    I know its an unusual name so I'm not suprised most people dont' care for it.  I don't happen to like the very common names like Mike, John etc.  Thank you for your kind words :)

    I'm not sure I've ever seen Mike or John discussed on this board and if you "don't happen to like the very common names" I would ditch Jackson and Cooper.

    There are some actual, real names that are not common that are awesome.  

    I still think you should go with Owen. 


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  • I do not like Daxon or Davin.  They sound made-up to me.  I don't mind Jackson, but it's more of a Fraternity, last name as the nickname, kind of thing to me... I voted for Cooper.  It is my favorite out of the bunch and the only one that sounds like an actual first name to me.
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  • imagetttaylorlynn:
    I voted for Davin. I personally know a Davin and his middle name is Ryan. I think it's very uncommon and a neat name. Although a lot of people mispronounce it, he often gets called dah-vin (i joke with him and call him this occasionally) or devin.

    I voted Cooper because of what we're assuming your last name to be I think it sounds the best with it.

    And from what this person said, now I don't know how you are pronouncing Davin.

    I was saying it Da (a like in apple/actually) - vin.


  • Davin looks made up, but I like Devin.
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  • I grew up with a Davin and have always liked that name.  
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  • thanks everyone I apprecaite the help!
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  • imagescoutkate:

    Jackson by default.  Cooper is a last name, and I've never heard of Daxon or Davin.  Daxon is especially bad.

    I like Owen better by a mile than all four of the names in your poll.


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