Pre-School and Daycare

fever w/ no other symptoms?

Dr. Moms - what is this?

DD woke up crying at 2 am, couldn't tell me what was wrong, but was very upset and burning up.  I took her temp - it was 100.9 - but she hadn't thrown up, she said she had a scary dream, etc.  I laid down w/ her and we slept until 6:30/7.  We're both up now and she's watching Blues Clues.  Her temp is the same and she's clearly miserable, crying intermittently, but can't tell me anything that hurts, insists she isn't sick.  She hasn't thrown up, no diarhea.  I'm a little concerned she might have a UTI, I've asked to pee 2x, but she said she already did.  Maybe she did in her pull up, but I would think if she had a UTI she'd be in pain. 

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Re: fever w/ no other symptoms?

  • QueSrahQueSrah member
    You should look at the DC proboard.  (I think I saw you on the member list the other day?)  Someone just posted a similar question there and people had lots of ideas.
  • Do you think it might be an ear infection? I tried replying via FB, but my signal is weak at work.
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  • DS had a 105.4 fever that required a trip to the ER last week.  He had no other symptoms other than the fever and lethargy. Our ped said that spring viruses can sometimes cause fevers with no other symptoms. DS got the fever last thursday evening and was back to normal on Sunday. 
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  • I would have the drs check for uti, sometimes that's a hard pain for them to describe. Good luck!
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  • NJLHNJLH member
    My DD has this too (started yesterday) At 3.5, she's still not great at describing whats wrong so I dont know if anything else is going on. In April, she had a fever with no other symptoms that hit 107! so we went to the ER. It turned out to be a virus. I'm a nervous wreck of that happening again. Hopefully not. And hope your DD feels better.
  • I'm certainly no doctor but this seems to be how my DS gets "sick". When he's not feeling well it seems to manifest mainly as a fever, and never turns into anything else. This past weekend, for example, he had a fever for a couple of days, but was in pretty good spirits and it went down with advil. But he wasn't 100% and got tired easily. He was like this for about 2 days, not sleeping well at night, until one morning he woke up and barfed (mainly water). Since then he's been doing better, and now almost sounds like he's on the verge of a cold. Whenever he's sick, this seems to be how it goes. It's kind of frustrating because we never can tell just how sick he is despite the fever, but of course i'm glad he doesn't get full blown stomach flu or something.
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  • My DS just had the same issue.  He woke up Sunday morning with a fever of 101.  He didn't have any other symptoms other than lethargy.  He is normally a very active child so when all he does is lay on the couch I know he doesn't feel well.  Nothing else was bothering him.  I gave him a few doses of tylenol through out the day to help with the fever.  By the next day he was fine.  No fever and full of energy.  I just figured it was some sort of 24 hour bug.
  • Both of my kids had a high fever for 24 hours with no symptoms and then developed Hand, Foot, and Mouth the next day. THey both had horrible sores in their throats and mouths. The fever broke after about 36 hours, but they felt pretty bad for a few more days. I hope you don't go that route! GL!
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  • My son has had 100.8-101.8 fevers every few months since he was 16 months old. they last 3 days and then just go away, he is lethargic and miserable. He is now almost 5 and he mentioned last time that his legs were hurting. I did some research and it turned out that when some kids have huge growth spurts they can run a fever with no other symptoms.

    My son just went through this last week and now his foot has grown 2 sizes and half his pants don't fit when they fit great only a week ago. So finally the mystery of his worrisome fevers have been solved. I hope that is all it is with your daughter!

     Also we have recently discovered that his baltic amber necklace help him with the pain.

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