Washington Babies

Affordable Placenta Encapsulation Update

I found someone to encapsulate my placenta locally who is fully trained and charges $100. This month if you are referred to her by someone you get $15 off (and I think the referrer gets $15, too, I'm not certain, I was referred by my doula and she said my doula would get something, too), so that's just $85!

You can find her here, and she is very responsive to e-mail, which I appreciate! She also just updated that her rates will increase in June (if you hire her in June or later, not if you give birth in June or later) so I thought I would tell the board in case anyone else was looking. If you want to go with her comment here and I'll PM you my real name so you can get the referral discount :-)

Thanks for all the suggestions when I was looking!

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Re: Affordable Placenta Encapsulation Update

  • That's great!  I cannot recommend encapsulation highly enough. I did it with my second and did not experience the baby blues AT ALL. 
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