So I am 5dp5dt today and I am officially losing my mind.... Not only am I having to stop myself from POAS I am obsessively searching the Internet for anything and everything... I am listing symptoms on google and trying to get info of BFPs. I think this time I am more crazy during this IVF because I know it's our last shot. No frosties stored away... Nothing plus last cycle when we transferredthe quality was really bad and we knew that it probably wouldn't work. Sorry for the vent but I have no where else to post this and I am going batty.... I may break down and POAS tonight....
TTC 6 years three m/c during that time
5/11 Ruptured Ectopic - Lost left tube and a normal baby boy
2/12 IVF #1 BFN - Very poor egg quality...

5/12 IVF #2 Hoping for the best! Est ET 5/11-5/18 BFN
Decided to move on to adoption to complete our family!
Re: I think I'm losing it....
First mini-IVF Sept 2011... Only 1 egg! ... BFN
Switching RE
IVF#2 May 2012 9 eggs and only 2 sperm, WTH!
Switching RE's within practice
*~God gives his hardest battles to his toughest solders. Unknown.
TTC since August 2010
Unexplained Infertility
5 rounds of clomid and 4 rounds of tamoxifen = BFN
IUI #1 - Jan 2012 with Tamoxifen - BFN IUI #2 - Feb 2012 Cancelled
IVF #1- May 2012: BFP on 05/29/12!! 06/01 Beta #1= 122 06/04 Beta #2 74
06/07/12 = BFN Moving onto IVF #2 August 2012
22 retrieved, 13 fertilized, none to freeze
Transferred two embies on 08/19. Beta 1 is 08/31 Beta #1-122 Beta #2- 541
1st U/S 09/12- 1 sac!
Praying this is my take home baby!
My Blog!
This. I think they should just mix the Xanax in with all the other drugs so we get a nice steady supply to keep us sane throughout this whole process. And your right POAS is evil I only wish it wasn't do tempting! Thanks!!