What's everyone doing? Are you planning to take it away soon or letting LO continue to have it? We're starting to only let her have in her crib and our plan is to take it away at 2 completely.
She qualified for speech therapy due to lack of consonant babbling so I'm trying not to let her have it, she can't practice making sounds if it's in her mouth all the time.
Re: Pacifiers
Ashur was never really into them, he used them occasionally for sleeping or randomly when he saw one laying around. And apparently he really liked them at my sisters. He just kind of got over them.
We use them now for teething and as a treat. We fill the bulb with water and freeze them. He loves it, and it can usually satisfy him for a bit when he is cranky. Once they are melted they go on the floor and he could care less. I will probably keep doing this for as long as he likes it.
June Bugs Blog
This is exactly where we are at this point. I don't really have any plan in place yet, I'm really hoping he just gives it up on his own at some point (hopefully in the not-so-distant future), so I guess we'll see what happens, then go from there.
Photos from Libby Hilf Photography
Jake - 1.15.08
Liam - 5.17.11
He's never been a huge fan but we use it on long car rides, in a pinch when other distractions won't work. He does have one at DC that he uses at naptime.
We're moving in August, so I figure once he's settled into his new place/new nap schedule we will take it away.