I just saw this board and thought I'd pop in to get an education. I'm curious about cloth diapers. I'm 23 wks preg. and I haven't told the dad yet about this thought because he a big convience freak and I want to be armed for the discussion. I like the idea of cloth diapering due to cost savings and environmental impact. I'm not sure on any other benefits, as I've done 0 research on this issue, but those are my two driving forces. I also plan to breast feed as much as humanly possible, largely due to cost impact.
1. What do I need to know about cloth diapering?
2. I'm only off for 7 wks, how easy is it for a gare-giver to cloth diaper? Curerntly searching to take baby to someone's home.
3. I've checked out some posts and there are lots of terms thrown around that I'm unfamiliar with. I also noticed there are many types, how do you choose?
4. Is there a good book to get from the library or any other resources?
TIA, I'm sure there will be many more questions!
Re: Cloth Diapering Virgin...
Ditto checking out the FAQs.
For daycare, pockets can be pre-stuffed and then go on just like disposables. There are also all-in-ones that don't have to be stuffed but take longer to dry and are less customizable for absorbency. Those would probably be your best bet for easiness for daycare.
Thanks, I feel stupid for not seeing that in the first place!
I am pretty sure it's good to keep your kid away from the chemicals in sposies. Most of the papers published on disposables are by P&G, and anything negative about the chemicals will not be released. Since sposies have only been around for a few decades, any long term link between the chemicals and health concerns would be too early to link. I usually like to err on the safe side so I thought if I can avoid it, then why not.
LOL, how ironic that I live by P&G's Headquarters and baby's dad has a 10yr old son whose mom works for P&G
There is plenty of information on the negative impacts of chemicals in disposables (such as sodium polyacrylate, TBT, dioxins, and TOCs). This is a pretty good rundown of the issues: https://www.livestrong.com/article/111348-chemicals-disposable-diapers/
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.