Are you guys getting your hubbies anything?
We didn't do presents for Mother's day because I wanted a new car lol....I don't care for Hallmark holidays so it's not a big deal. DH wants a new grill (not the big ones bc we live in an apt), but I was going to get him a butter dispenser. I just can't find any nice but compact grills.
Re: Father's Day
Yea, I was going to go look at the Outlet mall in the gourmet food stores. It's basically a rectangular contraption that you put the stick of butter in and it has an opening on the front end. When you apply pressure (push) onto the back, the butter comes out shaved. DH used it at his Aunt and was raving about it, so I took a mental note LOL. Plus it should be cheap
I'm jealous!! Of both. I really want a new car but I have no good reason. In fact, I should probably just get rid of my current car since I use it about 4x per month, we pay for parking and insurance is crazy expensive.
I could never keep a secret from anyone, DH would know about the trip the day I booked it lol He probably already knows about his butter dispenser haha
lol, I got better at keeping secrets as I got older. I never could keep them before, especially for gifts. Im sure your H will love the dispenser. Check for some memorial weekend sales coming up, might get a good deal on a grill too.
I tossed around vegas too, since I am AMAZING at blackjack. But I think Key West will be a nice change of pace for us. Hoping to meet up with Sweet H while we are down there!
I got breakfast on Mother's Day and a statue for my garden. We have tons of gardens around this house so if the kids get me one for every mother's day it'll one day look nice and full and colorful! I mean, it's not like i'm planting sh*t in the gardens so something needs to make them look nice!
For DH I will make him muffins and get him something for his MMA fighting. He's been wanting new gloves. But if he gets them for himself sooner (which wouldn't surprise me) I'll have to think of something else
Whoa SH, I hope you can figure out some other gift ideas so you don't have to deliver a baby for every event!
I'm taking him to brunch since he loves brunch. (Last year we invited our parents over and he ended up cooking.) I might try to plan a hike because he always talks about how he wants to go hiking with DD. By hike, I mean a relaxed walk on a level path because 17 month olds aren't great a serious hiking. I can't really think of a good gift. I think the price limit is $30-40. I don't think he wants a butter dispenser.