June 2011 Moms

Fighting naps-advice?

LO fights naps. It's gotten horrible. He won't nap unless I'm holding him and even then it takes him forever to go to sleep because he's crying/fighting it. I would love to just put him in his crib and let him go to sleep on his own....any ideas on how to get to that point?

Re: Fighting naps-advice?

  • We are in the same boat Sad Daycare can get him to nap in the crib. ILs can get him to nap in the PNP. DH & I have to hold him.

    We have had limited success in giving him a bottle right before the nap and that usually helps calm him so it's not such a fight. But we still can't put him down.


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    BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
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    BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
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  • kas80kas80 member
    You could try putting LO down 15 min earlier/later to see if you are maybe missing the window.  
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  •  I had the same issue until we started the Ferber plan. DD used to bedshare and nurse during every nap. Now she naps and sleeps in her crib. It wasn't easy, though. If or when you get at the end of your rope, try reading the book to see if you can do it. I had a lot of preconceived notions before I actually read it. Now we all sleep better and I can get stuff done. 
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  • nfrtnynfrtny member
    Try putting him to sleep on his tummy?
  • imagebabysteps23:
    OMG I'm not alone!  I've had to hold Jr for naps since day one.  Upwards of 4+ hours a day.  I've tried everything...nothing works.  My mom can sometimes get him to nap in the crib.  I've given up and just hold him.  I figure its better that he sleeps.  He won't even nap next to me so I can catch up on sleep too.  If you figure something out PLEASE tell me!  Good luck and sorry :*(
    you are not alone. LO normally does let me put him down once he's asleep though. Well probably 9/10. When he was teething I couldnt put him down at all. I googled the Ferber method book to dl and some other book came up that is written by a mom with a money back guarantee...I might try it. I will send ya the link if you want it!
  • imagecvanderh:
     I had the same issue until we started the Ferber plan. DD used to bedshare and nurse during every nap. Now she naps and sleeps in her crib. It wasn't easy, though. If or when you get at the end of your rope, try reading the book to see if you can do it. I had a lot of preconceived notions before I actually read it. Now we all sleep better and I can get stuff done. 
    I've considered It many times. I guess I'm mostly hesitant bc his main problem is naps.  
  • imagejanbc06:

     I had the same issue until we started the Ferber plan. DD used to bedshare and nurse during every nap. Now she naps and sleeps in her crib. It wasn't easy, though. If or when you get at the end of your rope, try reading the book to see if you can do it. I had a lot of preconceived notions before I actually read it. Now we all sleep better and I can get stuff done. 
    I've considered It many times. I guess I'm mostly hesitant bc his main problem is naps.  

    Naps are the toughest because at least in the evening they get tired as time passes. There is information about naps in the book. Read it if you can to see if you get any ideas. Can't hurt, right?  

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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
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