Saw your question on the carseat post, thought I'd try to answer here
People will need to go to to see your registry.
So...say I'm going to buy you something from your registry at You've found this adorable thing-a-majig from and added it to your Amazon registry. When I click on that item from your Amazon registry, I'll be re-directed to to purchase the item.
Same scenario, but I'd heard that you had a "Target" registry (but you really only have an Amazon registry with items from Target listed): so I march down to my local Target to look-up your registry...I'm not going to find you or your registry.
I can review your Amazon registry and figure out what you want...then, since I'm a bargain shopper, head out to find my best price. When I find it, I can go back to your Amazon registry and mark that the thing-a-majig has been purchased, even though I didn't buy it through Amazon at all.
Just did this whole registry thing with my new sister-in-law last fall...I hope that answers your question
Re: **Journey33** RE: Registry Question
oh thank you!!!!!! YOU ROCK!! that's really good to know. The only problem I foresee is that some of the older family members attending will not know how to buy online so I imagine getting some double items.
A follow up question, how do I add target items to an amazon registry?
Typing this out is might make it sound WAY more complicated that it is...If you use Pinterest--it works just like the Pinterest "pin-it" button.
They have a web browser add-on that you'll need to install. After install there will be a button at the top of your browser (what it looks like kinda depends on what browser you are using). I use Google Chrome: I have a little Amazon "a" with the swoopy arrow in the top right corner--just under the minimize/maximize/close page buttons.
Then you'd go to or wherever, when you get to the item's page (not the list of items) a little blue "+" box will show up on the "a" button. Click the button. You'll get a small pop-up. You can change the name of the item, indicate quantity, select a preview image (if more than one is available), and enter a comment. Once its all set--just click the gold "add to registry/wish list" button.
If you have more than 1 wishlist going (I have several lists going--a book list, a kitchen items list, a baby registry, etc), you'll be able to indicate which list you want the item added to.