The girls are 10 month old on smaller side
I am looking to be done with the SNG - and want a stroller plus NANA said she would get them one so I am researching.
My mind tells me i need a tandem that both seats recline ? I am not opposed to a sidebyside but imagine that navigating though isles and places might be difficult
Why do you love your stroller! Both seats recline is that a MUST i feel like it is ?
and GO !!
Thanks in advance for your advice
Re: have 10 month olds tell me about your love of a stoller
I havent seen a tandem where both seats recline. Im curious to see what other posters have to say.
Im in the process of researching strollers as well. GL!!
After 22 cycles and tube removal our IVF miracle has arrived! Detailed IF and IVF info in bio.
I have the City Mini and love it. It's SBS, but I've been able to get through all doors. Sometimes I can't get it through the aisled in dept store if the racks are too close together but it's never been a huge issue. I love it because it's lightweight and easy to steer. I tried a few tandem ones and becasue they were so long the steering was harder.
I don't have this stroller, but would want it. The mountain buggy duet. It's a side by side...but 4 inches thinner than a regular side by side. Those 4 inches mean a lot! you won't get stuck between clothing racks. I have a bumbleride indie...which is such an amazing stroller, it's everything I could have wanted. It fits through doorways...just sometimes in the mall... in a department store, I wish it were a couple more inches narrower.
I'm not a fan of the tandems at all, and the kids don't like being in the back. They are more cramped, plus they start banging and pulling the hair of the front...AND...they can't see as well, and the poor baby is always looking over the sides and edges of the seat in front.
Well, we've had a bunch of strollers and a lot depends on how you are planning on using yours. I'm have a combi side by side, a Phil and Ted's (tandem that's the size of the single), a BJ City Mini, and two single umbrella strollers.
Honestly, my favorite is the City Mini. The Phil and Ted's was great until they were about 18 months old and then they started fighting over who was in front and who was in back and the person in the back started kicking the front. In the City Mini, they are side by side yet the middle is such so they can't bother each other too much (we would have hair pulling in the combi). The City Mini seats fully reclined and they napped in them a couple times on vacation when they were almost 3 (I didn't get the City Mini until they were over 2 which I regret now). However, I seldom go to the mall and therefore didn't need anything narrow. If I did, I would use a single umbrella and put one in my back on the Ergo. The other benefit of side by side over tandems is that they are easier to push and navigate. This is particularly important if you plan to use the stroller for walks and you're in a hilly area.
If I had to do it again, I would do the City Mini, two basic umbrella strollers for when I'm out with DH, and an Ergo. I think this would cover it all.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
We have both a tandem and a side-by-side. The tandem is your basic Graco Duo. Our side-by side is the B.O.B Duallie. We definitley chose the BOB over the Graco 9 times out of 10. The newer versions of the BOB are narrower, only 34 inches, and designed to handle most shopping exscursions with ease. However, last night DH took it into the Ace while I was next door grocery shopping and he said he was disappointed about how it handled. However, he blamed the store and bad execution of product displays that narrowed the aisles even more. A situation even a tandem probabaly would have had a hard time with. Also, even though the BOB is expensive, they hold up to 70lbs I think (but check for sure) so we know we'll have years of use and the kids will probabaly out grow it before we have to worry about replacing.
When it comes to reclining, it's not that important to us, they don't really sleep in the stroller and we find, already at 9 months old, that which ever one gets put in the back of the tandem is fussy about it. They start messing with the one in front, pulling hair kicking, etc. Having them next to each other is just so much easier and they both get to see the world.
One thing I have thought about is getting 2 single umbrella strollers for when we don't want to deal with the girth of the tandem or side-by-side. However, I haven't found an umbrella stroller that will work for me or DH - we're both tall I'm 5'9" and he's 6'. And I don't want to feel Quazimoto.
a few people have said this to me. I am thinking about being out all day say
disneyland or on vacation if they get tired or fall asleep they will be comfortable but now that people are like what do you need relcining for I am wondering if I do or dont.
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Thanks MAMAS!!!!
I have changed my mind to a SBS ... love all of your suggestions but no one commented on terrain ... how does the stroller handle on sand, gravel, ect... and does this even matter.
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Not sure which SBS you're leaning towards but I know someone mentioned the Bumbleride Indie Twin and that is what we have and we absolutely love it. The seats recline pretty much completely flat, my two year olds can sleep in it just fine even. The sun shades are great, we have taken it on gravel, grass, sand and it handles amazingly well and to me, that does matter. If you are the type of person who goes to lots of outdoor events (festivals, fairs or what have you) where you won't be on pavement, you do not want a stroller that is a PITA to steer on those surfaces. You just need to think about your lifestyle and how important that is to you. I use mine everywhere though, even in the mall because it is just so easy to push. It is cumbersome to get in and out of the car and is not as easy as some strollers to open and close but I am pretty petite and can manage it just fine. It does also take up a lot of trunk space so you have to be ok with that. It's definitely pricey, I found mine used on ebay but new ones are pretty expensive but if you don't mind spending the money, I think it's definitely worth it. At over 2 years old, we still use ours all the time and plan on using it for at least another year or so.
I have the combi SbS. It's fit through all doors so far and is very easy to fold and put in the van. It was the best stroller in our budget, we are very happy with it. With every stroller it seems there are things to like and dislike, this is our third one so far
I'm a bit of a stroller junkie and have three. We've got a GracoDuo tandem, a Combi SBS, and a Schwinn Arrow jogger.
I loved all of our strollers in different situations. The GracoDuo was perfect when the boys were smaller because I just had to clip their infant carriers onto the stroller, and it was super easy! I didn't like it once they were big enough to actually get out of the infant seat and sit in the stroller because the one in front could never recline, and the one in back had a very obstructed view and got bored (read: cranky) quickly.
Once they could sit up well and were interested in looking around, I started using our Combi SBS. It was (and still is) great for short trips. It's really lightweight and would be great to leave in the car for a multi-purpose stroller. I used the plastic teething loops to attach a toy to either baby's chest harness so they each had something to play with, and that prevented a lot of toy stealing across the middle. I hated this stroller for walking/jogging because the wheels were really small, and it was difficult to push/control unless the ground was smooth. It was a nightmare on gravel, and that led me to the jogging stroller!
My favorite is the Schwinn Arrow jogger. It's actually the one I leave in the car because I take the boys jogging at least 2 times a week and they (and I) love it!! It has larger wheels that handle difficult terrain like a champ. For a jogger, I think it's pretty lightweight, and I can easily get it in and out of my Murano by myself. Both of the boys seats recline almost flat. I didn't think I'd care about this feature, but I love that I can just lay the seats back when they doze off during a run and know that they're more comfortable. It has a decent sized basket underneath and will easily hold my Kalencom double buckle diaperbag on one side and a purse/other bag on the other. The only thing I dislike about this stroller is that there is not a lap tray for either of the boys. I wish there were something to sit a sippy or snack cup in, but instead I just tuck it beside their legs and pay attention to make sure they don't slide out.
Sorry about the novel here, but I HTH!!