
Ice works!

Sorry to those ladies that I scared earlierEmbarrassed I iced my belly for 15mins and it made a huge difference. Didn't even feel the needle going in, just a little sting once the medicine went in.

So ladies, make sure u use ice and it will be fine. Smile

Me:30, DH:33 TTC : 2010 Dx: March 2011 Azoospermia. TESE Feb 2012, Sperm was found. Me:All Blood work are good. Tubes are clear. IVF w/ICSI May 2012, 5/27/12: 12R, 3F, 5/30/12: 2T HPT:6/9/12 = BFP! Beta#1 6/10/12 = BFP!128 Beta#2 = 278 Beta#3 = 3,000+ Beta#4 = 14,000+ imageBabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Ice works!

  • ARS0805ARS0805 member

    image image

    Me: 28; DH: 35 
    1/2008 -- Started TTC
    3/2009 - FD discovered at 17 weeks1/2011 - Lap and HSG reveal Stage IV Endo and both tubes blocked. 
    4/2012 - Consult with RE for IVF#1 - Labs and SA are normal - Repeat HSG - SURPRISE! Both tubes are open.
    May, June, August 2012 - IUI#1-3 - Letrozole + Bravelle + Ovidrel trigger = BFN
    9/2012 - Lap#2 to remove endo and Hysteroscopy 
    IVF#1 (Long Lupron) - 12/6 ER - 20R 11F * 12/11 ET - Transferred 2 excellent blasts * 3 Frosties * 
    Beta #1 79.7 * Beta #2 240 * EDD - 8.29.13 * It's a GIRL!

    BabyFruit Ticker

    When Not IF Blog

    Everyone welcome!
  • Glad it worked!



    DS1 born July 2002 (previous marriage).

    TTC since Oct 08. DH Dx w/testicular cancer March 09.
    MFI due to retrograde ejaculation/azoospermia.
    5/2 IVF #1 cancelled due to large follie.
    6/14 start Lupron for IVF #1.2. 6/22 start stims.
    7/4 ER and Biopsy.
    7/9 Transferred 2 (1-4BB and 1-3BB) embryos.  4 frosties.
    7/15 +HPT 6dp5dt. 7/18 Beta #1: 193. 7/20 Beta #2: 415.
    8/10 1st u/s - It's triplets!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • huge help!  I also used ambesol when I didn't have access to ice cubes.  You have to give it at least 5-10 min to work, though
    TTC #1 Since 4/2010, Cycle 30
    Positive for HLA-B27, I'm a mutant :p
    Testing - Me ok, gluten issue? DH - borderline count, low motility
    4/28/11 IUI#1 = BFP!(5/25), EDD 2/2/12 - m/c 5w3d
    7/3, 7/31, 9/25 - IUI#2-4=BFN
    IVF#1 - 1 blast = BFP!! (12/30), EDD 9/9/12, confirmed c/p 4w2d
    FET#1 3/2/12 - 2 blasts =BFP!! EDD 11/18/12, us#1 = twins! Confirmed m/c 5w6d
    4/20-surprise BFP and another c/p 4w2d
    FET#2 7/16/12 - 2 blasts = BFN
    FET#3 8/20/12 - 1 blast - BFP!! Beta #1-2=177, 354
    1st u/s 5w6d, one beautiful little HB :), 2nd u/s 146bpm
    baby girl born 5/10/13

    TTC#2 since 12/17/2014, Cycle 8
    Repeat Testing...FSH=12, AMH=3.8, AFC=28. 
    IUI#5 5/10/15- c/p?
    IVF#2 8/19/15 - cancelled due to cysts
    IVF#2 take two 10/2015 - 5 blasts frozen
    FET#4 12/11/2015 - BFN - 4 blasts remaining
    FET#5 2/18/16 - BFP!!!  Beta1-3, 126, 250, 745!!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Tons of love and ((hugs)) to my IF sister NMscubagirl

  • AmCheriAmCheri member
    Glad it helped. :)
    Baby girl Lila born 2013.
    Baby boy Henry born 2015.
    Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
  • imagepurpleyes1081:

    Sorry to those ladies that I scared earlierEmbarrassed I iced my belly for 15mins and it made a huge difference. Didn't even feel the needle going in, just a little sting once the medicine went in.

    So ladies, make sure u use ice and it will be fine. Smile

    Don't worry yourself about scaring me- I was scared already! It's just not something I ever thought I would be willing to do in order to have a baby... yet here we are. Glad to know the ice helps- I will definately be tryin git out tonight... Thanks for the update too, it helps give me a plan of action... GL

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