Baby Names

Hospital Names

A list from rural Colorado...

Homero (b - Dad is Omero)

Chloe Jene (g)

Khloie Catalina (g)

Raiden (b)

Emmery (g)

Samuel Anthony (b)

Laikyn (g)

Brogan Lee (g)

Jennavicia (g)

Myriah (g - Mom is Heavenly)

Alexzndriah Carmen Renee (g) 

BFP #1 6/3/10 | EDD 2/5/11 | Noelle born 1/28/11
BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
"And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
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Re: Hospital Names

  • wow! some of those spellings just confuse me! alexndriah? really?

  • Leah112Leah112 member
    when will people realize that coming up with crazy spellings for a common name doesn't make you "creative" nor does it make your child love that name....just go with basic spellings people!!  I feel bad for some of these kids...
    image TTC#1 Since 10/2011 Dx PCOS 3/2012- started on 1500mg Metformin November 2012 DH diagnosed with varicocele- surgery completed April 2013 1st appointment with RE October 2013-polypectomy to remove uterine polyp October 2013 all necessary testing completed only option is IVF with ICSI due to MFI IVF #1-January 2014 ER- 22 retrieved 18 mature 17 fertilized!!! February 2014 ET one 8aa embie transferred 13 frozen (of the 13 9 were 8aa embies)-BFP! No heartbeat at 22 week anatomy scan-Our sweet angel FET#1- October 2014 transferred two frosties -BFP! 1st beta 271, 2nd beat 6748 5 week ultrasound shows two sacs repeat in 10 days
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  • imagefingerscrossed8:
    wow! some of those spellings just confuse me! alexndriah? really?

    I hear you... But I can't get past naming a girl Brogan (a boy either, for that matter). 

    BFP #1 6/3/10 | EDD 2/5/11 | Noelle born 1/28/11
    BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
    BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
    "And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
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    My Ovulation Chart | My Baby Name List
  • Holy crap. Most of those are dreadful. Samuel Anthony seems to be the only one who escaped with two nice, normal names that were spelled correctly. 

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  • clineakclineak member
    Yikes! Besides Chloe and Samuel, those are some...unique names!
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  • imagejolynn326:

    wow! some of those spellings just confuse me! alexndriah? really?

    I hear you... But I can't get past naming a girl Brogan (a boy either, for that matter). 

    I met a girl on vacation years ago (a 20 something year old) named Brogan. First time I ever heard it and I wanted to like it because she was such a pretty/sweet person but I just could.not.get.on.board.
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  • Laikyn = Lycan = Werewolf

    Can't decide if I should blame this one on Twilight or not :-/

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  • Leah112Leah112 member

    Laikyn = Lycan = Werewolf

    Can't decide if I should blame this one on Twilight or not :-/

    I believe the name is Laken (lake-in)  At least that is how I said it but who knows!

    image TTC#1 Since 10/2011 Dx PCOS 3/2012- started on 1500mg Metformin November 2012 DH diagnosed with varicocele- surgery completed April 2013 1st appointment with RE October 2013-polypectomy to remove uterine polyp October 2013 all necessary testing completed only option is IVF with ICSI due to MFI IVF #1-January 2014 ER- 22 retrieved 18 mature 17 fertilized!!! February 2014 ET one 8aa embie transferred 13 frozen (of the 13 9 were 8aa embies)-BFP! No heartbeat at 22 week anatomy scan-Our sweet angel FET#1- October 2014 transferred two frosties -BFP! 1st beta 271, 2nd beat 6748 5 week ultrasound shows two sacs repeat in 10 days
  • ah625ah625 member

    Laikyn = Lycan = Werewolf

    Can't decide if I should blame this one on Twilight or not :-/

    Wouldn't that be from Underworld?


    They're terrible, but I like Raiden. I know it's seen as being in the same vein as the -aden/aiden names, but it's actually not made up. It's a variant of the Japanese god of thunder, Raijin. 

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  • Wow, holy bad spellings. Khloie? Alexzndriah?

    Also, never heard of Jennavicia...that's a new one.

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