My DD is a great night sleeper (usually) and she gets about 9-10 hours of sleep a night. The problem is that lately she is refusing to take any sort of nap during the day (except the 10-20 min. she might fall asleep after BFing); this lack of sleep results in battles all afternoon and evening long until one of us gives up on the nap idea (usually me). She is EBF and eats roughly every 1-2 hours - any longer than 2 hours between eating and she basically flips out. She has figured out that she can roll across the living room floor in the past week so she is definitely using up a lot more energy than she was before she became so mobile so I know that she needs the sleep, but cannot get her to take a nap. Any advice on what I can do to get DD to nap (she used to be an awesome sleeper until she figured out this moving around business )?
Re: Help me get my baby to take a nap!