
Teething: Adjusted vs. Actual?

DrRxDrRx member
I know that it is still far off, but does teething follow adjusted age or actual age?
Does anyone know of a resource that has a list of things that go by adjusted age and what things go by actual age?

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Re: Teething: Adjusted vs. Actual?

  • When we went for our last NICU follow-up the nurse practitioner said that while it's different for every baby, a good rule of thumb with preemies is to take their adjusted age in months, subtract 6, and that's about how many teeth they'll have. So far it's held true for us. My girls are 9 months adjusted, so subtract 6 and that's 3. One of my girls has 2 teeth and the other has 4.
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  • my twins just cut their first teeth at 9 mths (6 adjusted). Every baby is different, but in general i think babies start teething around 6 months so in our case it went by their adjusted age.
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  • imageDrRx:
    I know that it is still far off, but does teething follow adjusted age or actual age?
    Does anyone know of a resource that has a list of things that go by adjusted age and what things go by actual age?

    It's not that far off and once it starts it just goes and goes. That's one of the things I wish someone had told me as a FTM. He was just a few months (adj) and still so little - I had freaky visions of him being 8 lbs with a full set of teeth. Hahh! Then he got buds right before Halloween and I thought he'd have fangs for the holiday - nope. His first teeth were his top two and they broke for his birthday - the bottom two came a little after that and one of those fangs dropped today! and there are more coming. It's nonstop :(


    There's no list that I've ever seen. I just go by FT books and adjust the age accordingly and read the sections in between, before, and after. They're all over the place developmentally, even when they're born on time, you know? 

  • I think it's closer to adjusted, at least in our case.  Miles cut his first tooth last week at 10mo/7 adj and Owen is getting the tooth buds now.
  • Teething is one of those things that seems to be all over the map for full term babies. My family (me and siblings) get teeth freakishly early and DD1 seemed to follow that trend. She had at least one tooth by her 4-month appt (actual, not adjusted). 

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