Baby Names

Yay or Nay?

Thoughts on these names? Keep or toss? Thanks! 


















Re: Yay or Nay?

  • All of those name are nms. I honestly don't like any of them. I guess Theodore (if nn Theo) is the only one I'd not throw out.
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  • Reyka9Reyka9 member

    All of those name are nms. I honestly don't like any of them. I guess Theodore (if nn Theo) is the only one I'd not throw out.

    I agree completely, sorry, although I do sort of like Allaire for a girl.

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  • Most of your options are NMS, personally, but I do really like Theodore and Loretta.

    Howard, Winston, Octavia, and Holly are also not bad.

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  • clineakclineak member

    Like PPs, these names are NMS; however, I don't mind Winston for a boy. I actually think it's pretty cute. FWIW, Octavia totally reminds me of The Hunger Games.


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  • wklj875wklj875 member


    Holbrook okay

    Randolph/Randolf nay

    Walden it's really popular around here for Subdivisions

    Wyclef NAY

    Howard okay

    Theodore Love

    Winston Cigarettes!!!



    Allaire cute

    Octavia okay

    Holly okay

    Minna nay

    Loretta cute

    Evadne okay

    Romilly NAY

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  • Thoughts on these names? Keep or toss? Thanks!


    Holbrook: Nay

    Randolph/Randolf: Nay.

    Walden: NMS

    Wyclef: Jean? That's all I think of.

    Howard: Nay.

    Theodore: Yay only because I love the nickname Teddy!

    Winston: Really nms



    Allaire: Different. Kind of like it.

    Octavia: Nay. Hate it.

    Holly: Cute,

    Minna: Interesting. Not sure.

    Loretta : Nay.

    Evadne: Don't know how to prounounce it.

    Romilly: Nay.

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  • Yay - Theodore, Winston, Loretta

    Nay - Holbrook, Randolf, Wyclef, Howard, Allarie, Octavia, Evade

    Walden, Holly, and Romilly are okay.

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  • I don't really like any of them, but if I had to pick I would go with Theodore and Loretta.
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  • Boys:

    Holbrook - Toss

    Randolph/Randolf - Toss

    Walden - Keep

    Wyclef - Toss

    Howard - Keep

    Theodore - Keep

    Winston -Keep



    Allaire - Toss

    Octavia - Toss

    Holly - Keep

    Minna - Keep

    Loretta - Toss

    Evadne - I think keep, but I'm not sure of the pronunciation. Is it Ee-Vane? If so, I like it.

    Romilly - Toss

  • Boys:

    Holbrook - way too much of a last name (what about Holden?) No

    Randolph/Randolf Yes

    Walden Yes

    Wyclef unless you're a fan of his music, then no No

    Howard Yes

    Theodore  Yes

    Winston  Yes



    Allaire - never heard of it, but it could be ok Yes

    Octavia Yes

    Holly Yes

    Minna Yes

    Loretta Yes

    Evadne - I don't know how to say it No

    Romilly - We could have a president Romney so no to this.  You could just use Milly. No


     - They may not be my style but nothing really "wrong" with a lot of them 


  • nay
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  • Boys:

    Holbrook - no

    Randolph/Randolf - no

    Walden - no

    Wyclef -no

    Howard - nms but could work

    Theodore - nms

    Winston - nms, but I know an adorable 4 yr old with this name, so it could grow on me



    Allaire - no

    Octavia - no

    Holly - no

    Minna - no

    Loretta - uhm.. maybe

    Evadne - no

    Romilly - no

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  • kjskjskjskjs member
    They all fall under NMS but for a boy I don't mind Theodore and for a girl I think Loretta is cute.
  • I like Winston of the boy names, but that's it.  Of the girls, I like Octavia.
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  • ames71ames71 member






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  • I cant say I like any of these. I suppose Walden for a boy and Allaire for a girl if I had to choose, but again, NMS.
  • none, sorry.


  • ansi29ansi29 member

    We have pretty different taste but here's my take: 


    Holbrook - toss. Holt could be ok or Brook, but this sounds like a last name. 

    Randolph/Randolf - ok but nn is Randy. Don't like the nick name.

    Walden - Lovely word but I don't think of it as a name. 

    Wyclef - Hmmm... I have a strong association with the singer so can't see this on a non-Hatian activist-rapper.

    Howard - Like ok, is this a family name. It has that old fashioned ring but isn't popular yet like other grandparent-era names.

    Theodore - Like

    Winston  - Like



    Allaire - nms

    Octavia - Cool name in theory but I can't imagine it belonging to a person

    Holly - Nice name. Like.

    Minna - Seems more like a nickname. My neice is Ximena and they call her Mina. 

    Loretta -Don't like the name but it's solid. 

    Evadne - Don't like. Sounds made up. 

    Romilly - Very made up sounding like you like Roberta and Millie/Millicent and wanted to combine them. 

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  • Boys:

    Holbrook - dislike

    Randolph/Randolf -NMS, but it's okay

    Walden - I kind of like it

    Wyclef - dislike

    Howard - dislike

    Theodore - LOVE

    Winston - like



    Allaire - dislike

    Octavia - NMS, but it's okay

    Holly - LOVE

    Minna - dislike

    Loretta - NMS, but it's okay

    Evadne - dislike

    Romilly - dislike

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  • I only like Theodore
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  • For what it's worth my middle name is Alaire and I love it. With my spelling it's easy to explain pronunciation as "like Claire". 
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  • If I HAD to keep any of them it would be theodore and Holly...if
  • Theodore & Holly are my favorites!
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  • NMS so I would toss all of them and start over.  

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  • Theodore is the only one I like

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  • Boys:

    Holbrook- toss, surname

    Randolph/Randolf- toss, too close to Rudolph imo

    Walden- toss, if you want to reference Thoreau then Henry is a million times better

    Wyclef- toss, unless you are a Haitian rapper

    Howard-nms, but it is a first name and spelled correctly, so keep

    Theodore - Keep

    Winston- same as Howard 



    Allaire- toss, French surname so it sounds doubly pretentious to me

    Octavia- nms, but okay so I would keep

    Holly- Keep 

    Minna- Sounds like a nn. Maybe find a longer name it can be a nn for?

    Loretta- Ok, keep

    Evadne- Toss, there are better mythology names that won't give your daughter a lifetime of "WHAT is your name again?"

    Romilly- Toss, as Allaire

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  • cogbotcogbot member
    I only like Theodore and Holly
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  • kelnyckelnyc member

    All of those name are nms. I honestly don't like any of them. I guess Theodore (if nn Theo) is the only one I'd not throw out.

    Same here. 

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  • These are not my style at all but the only ones I think are a little bit alright are:

    Howard, Theodore, and Holly

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  • Boys:

    Holbrook - toss

    Randolph/Randolf - toss

    Walden - toss

    Wyclef - toss

    Howard - keep

    Theodore - keep

    Winston - toss (reminds me of cigarettes) 



    Allaire - keep

    Octavia - toss

    Holly - keep

    Minna - toss

    Loretta - toss

    Evadne - toss

    Romilly - toss

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  • Toss all except Winston and Holly

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  • I like Theodore and that's about it.  Some of the names are a huge dislike, but it may just be that they're just nms.
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  • I don't really care for any of these names. Sorry :(
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  • image07bride:

    Thoughts on these names? Keep or toss? Thanks! 


    Holbrook - More of a surname to me

    Randolph/Randolf - Eh

    Walden - Could be good if you're a fan of literature.

    Wyclef - No.

    Howard - Eh. It's prett y"old man" for my taste, but it's a classic, legit name

    Theodore - NMS but a good name

    Winston - I like Winston



    Allaire - NMS

    Octavia - I want to like it, but there's something about the way it feels in my mouth that itks me

    Holly - I like Holly

    Minna - I don't see this growing well, but I have a pet associatoin with this one, so that could be why

    Loretta  - Bad association

    Evadne - Not sure how to say it, so I'd be hesitant to use it

    Romilly - it could be that I'm been watching "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding," but all I see is "Romany"

    I think my favorites on your list are Holly and Winston

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  • My two cents:

    Best boy name on list - Walden

    Best girl name on list - Minna

    The others are so/so or NMS. The only ones that I think are truley bad are Romilly, Holbrook, and Wyclef.

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  • Boys:

    Holbrook - Nay

    Randolph/Randolf -  Nay

    Walden - Nay

    Wyclef - Nay

    Howard - Maybe

    Theodore - Yay

    Winston - Maybe



    Allaire - Nay

    Octavia - Maybe

    Holly - Yay

    Minna - Nay

    Loretta - Maybe

    Evadne - Nay

    Romilly - Nay

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  • kacellekacelle member
    I would use Theodore or Octavia.  The rest are NMS.
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  • Theo or Winston

    Loretta or Holly

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  • Boys:

    Holbrook -- I'm pretty sure this is the name of a town somewhere.

    Randolph/Randolf -- Too close to Rudolf.

    Walden -- It's okay.

    Wyclef -- Um, no....

    Howard -- NMS.

    Theodore -- It's cute.

    Winston -- I love this name. It's totally cute! ^_^



    Allaire -- NMS.

    Octavia -- Sounds too close to octopus; too much teasing potential.

    Holly -- I like this name.

    Minna -- Like this name, but I prefer it spelled with one N.

    Loretta -- Yes, very pretty.

    Evadne -- How is this pronounced?

    Romilly -- I prefer Romy.

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