May 2012 Moms

Should DH work closer to home today??

DH works at different client sites and Mondays he goes into the city. It's an hour and half trip including subways and trains. Now if I go into labor when he's at work, he'll use the company's car service to get back to me, which only takes 40-50min. He can go to a different client (only 25 min away) today and do the city way another day if needed. I'm asking because I got up to pee 5 times last night (usually I only get up once). I've also been losing my mucus plug all weekend (yellow or whitish, no bloody show). I know it can be days or weeks later that u go into labor after losing the plug (I lost mine around 37 weeks, so it must've grown back), but now I'm 40 weeks. I was 3cm, 90% effaced on Friday and for a moment, thought water was breaking this morning because after I peed I stood up and suddenly felt like more was slipping out and I couldn't stop it. It turned out to be another white mucus glob. I had some contractions last night, but they never got closer than 9 minutes apart. So, ladies, should I have DH work closer, or do you think there's still time?? (FTM if you couldn't tell!)
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Re: Should DH work closer to home today??

  • very similar story here.  Contractions 8 mins apart for 5-6 hours and now nothing.  DH and I are both working from home just in case.  our commutes are 60 miles one way and I didn't want to risk it.  In your case and being a first time mom, I this you'll have time to get DH back but it all depends on how you are feeling this morning.  GL

  • If it were me I would have him closer to home. At this point you honestly could go at any moment and knowing that your DH could get to you quicker is a huge stress relief. GL, hope you have something happen today!
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  • I wouldn't get too concerned. But the day before I had DD (and I was having major contractions) I sent my DH off to work on a project that was 2 + hours away from home.  But if it makes you feel more at ease definitely keep him around.  Good Luck!
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