November 2011 Moms

Sleep training vent

We have been having a rough time with LO at night for quite a while and I am so sick of people telling me I have to do CIO. I have NO problems of you choose that for your child (and I will admit I'm jealous when it works so wonderfully) but it just isn't for me. 

I have just had so many people recently tell me that that's the only thing that will work. LO has always slept in his crib at night but he has been held for most naps so i think that may be what he wants at night. I've been trying to be really good about putting him down anytime he asleep but last night he woke up 7 times. Yes, I'm exhausted and I want him to sleep but no, I dont want to CIO.  

I keep telling myself this is just a stage and can't/wont last forever. This post really has zero point so thanks for letting me vent! 


Re: Sleep training vent

  • I hate when CIO is automatically the "answer" people give too. To each their own, but its not for me.

    You are right, this stage won't last forever. Atleast that's what I am telling myself as DS has started waking at night again.

    We can make it thru this!


    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

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  • This is one of the reasons I haven't moved DD to a crib yet.  By co-sleeping I essentially hold her all night long.  I'm afraid of what would happen if I moved her!



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  • Aww, I'm sorry you're having a hard time. But you are right, this is just a phase and you will both get through it. Something that helped me get through the new trials with my 1st was "This too shall pass." I found that I could pull myself together when reminded of it, no matter what was going on.
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  • my oldest who is now 3 just figured sleeping out on his own.  He had many rough nights along the way but overall he did great and we never did anything along the lines of CIO.  This little girl is giving me a run for my money.  She is still taking a minimum of 2 4oz bottles at night and wakes up at 5 am.  CIO isn't an option for me for many reasons but a major one being that her brothers room is about 5 feet from hers and I don't want to jeopardize his sleep in the process of gaining hers.  So, I remain tired and i guess that is just part of life right now.  I know in time she will figure it out as well.  Good luck to you. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I hear you...CIO is the solution for everything. We tried one night of it just because I got tired of everyone telling me how easy it was once the fell asleep, oh it only takes about 20 minutes, he's just being spoiled,etc...

    Jokes on me cause it was the worst night in the history of nights! Poor kid was so upset even with me going in and reassuring him that once I finally cracked and picked him up and rocked him he put his hands around my neck and fingers in my hair and held on for dear life. I had to pry his little hands out of my hair to lay him back down! NEVER again! 

    I remind myself that eventually he will sleep without my help and that I'm desperately going to miss those sweet times of snuggling with him when he needs me. I like the PP...this too shall pass. 

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  • JKTTC1JKTTC1 member
    LO IS STILL IN THE RNP AND BEDSHARING PART TIME. My sister is expecting her loany day. She proceeds to tell me that lo needs to learn to self soothe. I don't want him to feel neglected! He has cut his two bottom teeth and now cutting his third. In the last few Weeks LO started sleeping from 9-6am! I STILL NURSE TO SLEEP!
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    #2-BO 6/6/13 D/C     #3 natural m/c 8/6/13 

    #4 EDD 5/19/14 It's a boy! 

  • I don't believe in CIO either.  I just feel like they are too young.  If they are crying, they need to be comforted.  If it works for some, that's great - but I couldn't sit and hear my baby screaming and hope she falls asleep.  We had her in the RnP by our bed until last weekend.  Last Saturday we put her in her room but still in the RnP.  I think over this coming weekend we'll work on the crib.  My issue is that she has reflux and has never EVER slept flat.  She instantly wakes up if she is flat.  We propped the crib but I'm not sure that's enough...

    Hang in there.  They will figure it out on their own, IMO.

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