Baby Names

Hate The nn Grandma gave to Mariella!!

We named her Mariella. Not Ella. If we wanted you to call her Ella, we  would have said, "But we'll call her Ella." No. We named her Mariella. Just like we didn't want you to nn Callista Callie. She hates it, she loves her full name. I may be venting, but if you want to nn our new child, make sure we're okay with it.
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Re: Hate The nn Grandma gave to Mariella!!

  • I kind of, sort of find this silly. Sorry! Really not trying to be rude but I call children I know all different kind of nicknames. I would never think to okay it with them 1st. It can definitely be annoying, don't get me wrong but I don't really think it is something to get worked up over. Especially if it's only 1 person doing it. Ya know?
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  • And by okaying it with 'them' I meant the parents.

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  • image5LittleBears:
    I kind of, sort of find this silly. Sorry! Really not trying to be rude but I call children I know all different kind of nicknames. I would never think to okay it with them 1st. It can definitely be annoying, don't get me wrong but I don't really think it is something to get worked up over. Especially if it's only 1 person doing it. Ya know?
    It's pretty much the whole family my MIL just started it. I hate it when she does that. When she doesn't like the names we picked, she fashions then to what she wants. And the ENTIRE family listens. It pisses me off to no end, beacuse she knows I hate it when people do that. She nn me Rae (my middle name is Rainne), because she hates the name Penelope and the full Rainne. 
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  • I would be really annoyed as well. I never give someone, kids or close friends, a nn without being positive that it's ok.
  • I think you are justified, that would piss me off, too. Would your husband have any more pull with his family? If he puts his foot down about not calling his daughters by these NNs, would they listen?

    Calling you by something that you don't want is really rude, IMO.  

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  • I would be annoyed also.  

    When I was pregnant with DS we chose the name Jackson and intended on calling him Jack. When he was born he just didn't look like a Jack and we have never called him that, only Jackson. MIL does sometimes and I hate it. i think I have even mentioned that I don't like when people call him that.


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  • g8trkimg8trkim member
    You can try to nicely say that you prefer her full name, but I think you're kidding yourself a bit if you think people won't call her Ella. It's a pretty logical NN for Mariella and when you have a 4 syllable first name, a lot of people will just naturally fall into a NN. Is it annoying? Yes. Should you get worked up over it? No.

  • I agree it would be annoying, but Ella is kind of a natural abbreviation of Mariella, so you can't really blame her for thinking of it. And if she hadn't, someone else in the family probably would have, so I'm not sure it's fair to "blame" her for starting it. Anyway, your DD is still so new so the nickname hasn't been in use much and I'm sure if you and DH continue to politely but firmly correct people, they'll catch on soon enough and it will no longer be an issue. Good luck!
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  • If it really bothers you, have dh say something to the family.  I would.
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  • If Grandma does not like their full names and that is why she does it, then that's one thing and very annoying. But to me, there are some nicknames that are going to come with the territory when choosing certain names. Especially a long one like Mariella. When the child is older they can choose what they like/dislike and correct people as they wish. I guess I'm in the minority with this. I don't like the nickname 'Ollie' for Oliver but knew when naming him, it was more than likely going to happen. Like I said, it is annoying. But not something I would get worked up over.

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  • emikatemikat member
    Honestly, you aren't going to have control over what other people nn your children. It's out there and there's nothing you can do about it. You can try and correct them every single time, but the only person that will have a say is the person that now owns that name.  So, your children will have to speak up for themselves, for the rest of their life. I prefer my full name.  Plenty of people assume they can shorten it or use a nn.  I correct those people.  EVERY TIME I hear it.  I specifically state that I don't like it and if they continue, I refuse to answer.  You have that choice over Rae.  But, sorry, people will be calling your kids shortened versions for life. And to your dismay, they may like it. If they don't, they will fix it later. 

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    FET 4/28/2015 - Transferred 1 M embie. 5/6/15 BFP!

  • Grandma's give their grand-babies nicknames - and Ella is going to stick so you might as well get used to it, IMO!
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  • You have every right to be annoyed and would insist they call her by her correct name.

    My family tried to to the same with my son and call him Danny...I insisted they call him by his full took a while and a lot of that isnt his name...but years and years later no one including him calls him danny.

    you have every right to demand they call her by her name. it CAN be done but you must be stubborn about it. donyt let anyone tell you it cant be done or that you are overreacting.

  • imageerikaplustim:
    Grandma's give their grand-babies nicknames - and Ella is going to stick so you might as well get used to it, IMO!
    I call BS on that one. 

    It seems like this Grandma is dead set on doing things to her way. I'd make a point of repeating "Oh, you mean Mariella" every time she says "ella".

    FWIW, Ella is not the first NN I'd do with Mariella. I'd probably do "mar".  

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  • I gotta say, Ella seems like a natural NN for Mariella.  Seems like people will either call her Marie or Ella.  Sorry, but when you use a blend of two names it seems like you should have seen this one coming.
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  • tew213tew213 member
    I can completely understand your frustration. DD is Lillian and so many people automatically call her Lily. We try to correct people but they don't care. I know it's a very common nn but it is not what her name is. We also know that someday she may be a Lily by her choice but for now I wish people would respect our wishes and call our daughter by the name we gave her. 
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  • imagetew213:
    I can completely understand your frustration. DD is Lillian and so many people automatically call her Lily. We try to correct people but they don't care. I know it's a very common nn but it is not what her name is. We also know that someday she may be a Lily by her choice but for now I wish people would respect our wishes and call our daughter by the name we gave her. 

    This is my thought on nicknames as well.  No one calls Rosemary anything but Rosemary as of now.  One day she might want to go by something else, and that's her choice, but for now she goes by her given name. I see no reason why your MIL shouldn't respect your wishes.

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  • I think this is a generational difference. I swear, it feels like my parents and grandparent's generation cannot fathom a name without a nn! I feel like the style now is to assume full name unless directed otherwise, but that "back in the day" Francis was Frank, William was Billy, etc. So frustrating!

    As long as you - the one with her all the time - call her by her full name, at least she will identify with the name and not with random, occasional nn's. 

  • How old is LO?  We named DS Theodore and absolutely everyone knew before he was born we were going to call him Teddy.  SIL and anyone she introduces to us calls him Theo.  It really fired me up at first, but 18 months later I've got bigger things to worry about now.  The nickname may never grow on you but some people are very stubborn and this might be a battle of wills not worh it.  What matters more is that she loves your LO, even if you two have your differences.
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  • Kaisa07Kaisa07 member
    I completely understand where you're coming from!  I named my boys Joseph and Anthony .. not Joey/Joe or Tony .. I corrected every single person who called them something different.  If they insisted on continuing with the NN, I ignored the question/comment bc I had no idea who the heck they were talking about .. they eventually got it ..
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  • wklj875wklj875 member

    When I was pregnant with DD and we would tell people we were naming her Josephine EVERYBODY would ask if we were calling her Josie, And we would say anything but Josie, Call Her Josephine, Joey, or Joe. My whole family wanted to call her Josie just because I didn't like that NN. My Mother tried to get them all to do it, but I think they were scared of me :)

    When my sister in-law had her DD she named her Theodora, and calls her Tedi, but my side of the family wanted to cal her Dora! they are truly a pain.

    Some times Mothers and Mother in-laws  are a pain in the butt, Some people get great moms and mother in-laws, and some of us don't!

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  • I get this. I feel Ella is way over used IMO and think Mariella is pretty.
    My DH's younger sibling is named Nicholas and his mom gets SOOO mad if you try and call him Nick. She will always snap at anyone telling them she named him Nicholas for a reason. The funny part is Nicholas likes his friends calling him Nick. 
    We named DD Evangalin.  I won't go into it but my mom wanted the name Eevee so we compromised to use it as a NN because we did like it we just couldn't see it growing on her. Well my mom is constantly introducing her as Eevee, which is fine but we love her full name and feel it is not used or appreciated enough. It does get on my nerves from time to time. 
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  • CranangCranang member

    We named her Mariella. Not Ella. If we wanted you to call her Ella, we  would have said, "But we'll call her Ella." No. We named her Mariella. Just like we didn't want you to nn Callista Callie. She hates it, she loves her full name. I may be venting, but if you want to nn our new child, make sure we're okay with it.

    I actually feel you on this one.  Sabrina's name was going to be Calista, but we hate the nn Callie.  When we told my BIL the name we'd chosen, the first thing he said was "Oh, CALLIE!!"  The name was immediately taken off the table.  That's why we went with's a hard name to shorten.  Though I'm fully expecting someone to call her "Bree" at some point. *sigh*

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  • I'm super late to the party (way past my bedtime last night) but I wanted to add that my view of it is different than yours.  If someone wants to call my child a nn, I don't view it as them taking liberties in changing their name.  Rather, I view it as a sign of affection and love.  Therefore I find it sweet.  No one is able to change your child's name without your consent, but if they are calling them a nn out of affection, because they love them, I don't know, I just would never be mad about that.
  • stahlopstahlop member
    I don't understand giving a nn if they aren't called that normally.  I think that would just confuse the child when she's older.  When I was pregnant (we were team green), our girl's name was Alice, which my mother hated.  She insisted she'd call her Ali, which I hated.  I guess it's a good thing we had a boy.

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  • I hate NNs period.  If I name my child a certain way, I want people to call him/her that way.  I didn't name my child hoping they'll call him/her something else.  I'd be annoyed and correct her at every single occasion.
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  • That would irritate me as well. It sounds like it may be too late, but I'd start politely saying, "Her name is Mariella" whenever the nn was used and hope people got the hint.
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  • imagenatalie7s19:

    I think you are justified, that would piss me off, too. Would your husband have any more pull with his family? If he puts his foot down about not calling his daughters by these NNs, would they listen?

    Calling you by something that you don't want is really rude, IMO.  

    This. My actual name is Christy. Not Christina or Chris. I have been called both and have corrected everyone who hasn't called me Christy. It is rude to call someone not by their name if you aren't sure that they want a nickname. 

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  • Why don't you just tell her that you do not want anyone calling her Ella? Ask her to call her by her full name. 
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  • m21megsm21megs member

    You can try to nicely say that you prefer her full name, but I think you're kidding yourself a bit if you think people won't call her Ella. It's a pretty logical NN for Mariella and when you have a 4 syllable first name, a lot of people will just naturally fall into a NN. Is it annoying? Yes. Should you get worked up over it? No.


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