Cloth Diapering

Cloth diapering and circumcision.

I'm a FTM and just found out we're having a boy. DH and I want baby to be circumcised. I've heard that you need to keep vaseline or something similar on the healing penis. Are the ointments safe for cloth diapers? I don't know anything about caring for a circumcision so maybe I'm wrong. What would you suggest? Should I use disposables until everything's healed?


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Re: Cloth diapering and circumcision.

  • With DS we used vaseline and sposies.

    This time we plan on CD in the hospital.  I just bought unscented CJ's Butter (it even says in the description that it's great for circumcision).  We're going to use prefolds so that if we get buildup we can just boil them.

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
  • I didn't circ DS but I would suggest using a fleece or flannel liner just to be safe to protect your diaper.
    formerly aprilandshane
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  • imageToastieSimons:

    With DS we used vaseline and sposies.

    This time we plan on CD in the hospital.  I just bought unscented CJ's Butter (it even says in the description that it's great for circumcision).  We're going to use prefolds so that if we get buildup we can just boil them.

    I looked up CJ's Butter, did you get the Tube O' Butter, Tub O' Butter, or Butter Stick?

     Thanks for your responses ladies!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We used cloth and used Vaseline & gauze. 
    dx MF & FF IF
    Off B.C. Jan '06, started charting Feb '08, 2% morphology and PCOS, no O with meds,
    IVF w/ICSI only option to conceive.
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    Miracle Baby born March 5, 2012 . 6lbs 1oz, 19 3/4"
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  • imageMrsW101011:

    With DS we used vaseline and sposies.

    This time we plan on CD in the hospital.  I just bought unscented CJ's Butter (it even says in the description that it's great for circumcision).  We're going to use prefolds so that if we get buildup we can just boil them.

    I looked up CJ's Butter, did you get the Tube O' Butter, Tub O' Butter, or Butter Stick?

     Thanks for your responses ladies!

    I have a tube of scented that I love but I figured I didn't want the scent on a fresh wound.  So I just bought 2 sample tubs of CJ's for $1.50 each from kelly's closet. I was also leary of using a cream on a wound that had possibly touched DS's poop or maybe a yeast rash etc at one time, so I wanted fresh cream for this. 

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
  • Great! Thank you so much!

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