Baby Names

Neat names from my geneology

My grandpa recently passed away and I found some geneology records in his things when we were cleaning out his house. They go back to the 1600's and I found some neat names in them!

Keziah (F)

Jerusha (F - born 1777)

Cassius (M - born around 1843)

Celestia (F - born around 1941)

Della (F - born 1875)

Ashbel (M - died 1787)

Elkanah (M)

Heplizilah (F)

Jazaniah (M- born around 1740)

Cullick (M- born 1699)

Adonijah (M- born 1733)

S/P L salpingo-oophorectomy w/ septic torsion 1999, dx moderate to severe Crohn's dz 2004. DH S/P hypospadic sx w/ multiple subsequent scar tissue removals, S/P herniorrhaphy. Married on 10/7/2006! TTC since May 2011; abnormal SA #1, better SA #2, normal HSG 7/2012, dx MFI/ low egg count, IUI! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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