My not-so-litttle guy is going to be 9 in 2 months (which makes me want to cry that he'll be in double digits next year)! Ah, I'm such a baby

Anyway, not the purpose of this post... the purpose is, what to do for a 9 year olds birthday? We have done birthday parties with the works for the past however long. I wanted to do something new for him this year. Any ideas for something cool to do for a 9 year old boy? I've asked him what he wants to do and his auto-reponse is "I don't know".
Oh, and his interests include everything football. That's about it.
Re: What to do...
Do you have an amusement park nearby? Tickets for there with a friend would be great.
What about some type of sport camp for this summer? Or look to see if a major city near you has a place like this (this one's in Pittsburgh)
Flag football???
I believe my nephew went bowling for his...
A big flag football game would be awesome! I can get all his little buddies together and whatnot. Hmm. Thanks for the feedback ladies.
I don't know where you live, but if it's warm you could do a massive water fight. A friend of mine just did that for her son who turned 10. They put sprayers on their hoses, filled hundreds and hundreds of water ballons, provided a faucet with buckets, etc. They also rented a trampoline and covered it with soap and put a sprinker underneath it. Then they did a BBQ and movie night. It was a blast.
Or what about a beach bonfire night? Roast hot dogs and marshmallows, sandcastle buidling contest, soccer (or football!) match.... Once my friends from youth group figured out how to drag a TV down to the beach and watch a movie there in beach chairs.... it's a great idea if you can figure out how to do it
Laser tag
Mini Golf
Go Kart
Amusement park
Water park
Jump zone type place
Do you have a Pump it Up in your area? My nephew had a birthday party there a couple years ago and he is sounded like he had a blast.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
Football is good, lol. How about a backyard bbq party, "tailgate style," with some balls for the boys to play with, or maybe even get some little cones and set up a flag-football game?
FTR When I was nine I had a Star Wars themed birthday party. It was awesome.