Adalyn eats anywhere from 1 to 2.5
ounces at a time. She usually does 1 ounce, falls asleep, and them
wants to eat another ounce about an hour later. In the evenings she
eats 2 ounces at a time and wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours until about
midnight. She sleeps overnight waking up once for 1 ounce, sleeps for
another 3 hours, takes another ounce, sleeps for 2 to 3 hours, and then
starts the day again.
She is still eating her required amount
throughout the day (13 to 17 ounces), but I'm curious if I should be concerned that she
doesn't eat 3 to 4 ounces at once like I hear other newborns taking who
are 1 week post gestational. I don't know if her being a micro-preemie born at 26
weeks has to do something with it. Yesterday we weighed on on our home scale and she is between 7 and 7.5 pounds.
TTC Since July 2008.
Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
FET 1 3/2013 BFN
FET 2 5/2013 BFN
Re: XP: How much do (did) you feed your preemie?
Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
FET 1 3/2013 BFN
FET 2 5/2013 BFN
FWIW, every doctor/specialist we see (the pulmonary doctor, NICU follow up clinic, regular pedi, cardiologist) all say it's the total ounces per day that matter, not how much at one time. So I'd *think* that since she's taking her required amount per day, then it's okay.
Is this breast milk or formula? Generally, you'll be giving a baby less breast milk than you will formula, I think (although I'm not totally sure if that holds true for the very tiny babies).
Anywho, when my son was first home from the NICU, he ate about 2 oz at a time 8 times a day. So, 16 oz for the day. He was drinking fortified breastmilk (fortified with Neosure). We switched to BFing after a few weeks, though, and then I lost all line of sight into what he was eating.
Our 29-weeker had started taking 3-4 ounces at a time, but now he's gone back to only wanting 2 to 2.5 ounces at a time (sometimes 3), but more frequently. It's 4:30am here, and he just woke me up for ONE ounce and is now sleeping soundly again. (Mommy is loving this... NOT!)
This may have something to do with it, but until his due date, he was on 100% breast milk... my supply has tanked and now he's only getting the 4 ounces of BM I can produce and the rest is formula (depressingly enough). I'm thinking that in our case, the formula is filling him up faster, hence the "less volume, more often" development.
I asked his ped on Monday about this less-volume-more-often thing, and she said it is absolutely fine (and his weight was 7 pounds 13 ounces as of last Monday... a super weight gain of 19 ounces over 12 days). She thought it might be the formula vs. breast milk thing as well and suggested saving the 4 ounces of BM for his late-night feeding, in hopes that he will take all 4 ounces and sleep longer through the night.
My 30 weeker is 3 months old today but 20 days adjusted. He is drinking 3 1/2 ounces every feed. Sometimes he wants more, like an hour later and will take another 2-3 oz and then will not eat for 4 hours. He is all over the place. When we left the hospital at 35 weeks gestation, he was on 45 cc every 3 hours.
We get weighed on Tuesday. His last weigh in was April 28 and he was 7 lbs 4 oz.
He is still unable to latch on so I'm pumping.