
FET has been scheduled, but I am concerned...

It has been scheduled for June 20th. Being a school teacher and that is the 2nd to last day of school with my 1st graders, I don't see how it's possible to get the time off that I will need. The room has to be packed up, I can't imagine not being there to say goodbye to my kids. Plus I don't want my nosy co-workers knowing what I am going through. I am going to call my RE tomorrow & hopefully they can do it the following week. The problem is I know that they have a schedule of ET's & FET's that they follow. :/
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Re: FET has been scheduled, but I am concerned...

  • BzeetyDBzeetyD member

    Maybe if you explain the situation, they can work around it.

    Do you have friends or family that can help you pack up your classroom so it would go more quickly? My mom was a teacher and my sis is now and I'll sometimes help them if I'm available.

    Best of luck for changing it!

    BzeetyD = 38, Mr. BzeetyD = 44 together 12/02 married 9/08
    TTC #1 since 1/10
    DX: Unexplained/??? MFI issues

    Our lil' lost sparks:
    5w3d loss 7/30/10 - EDD March 2011
    8w loss 4/15/11 - EDD November 2011
    8w3d loss 8/2/12 - EDD March 2013
    4w c/p loss 10/29/12 - EDD July 2013

    Long story: trying on our own + testing testing testing with 6 rounds of Clomid, more testing, injectables + TI, laparoscopy - one tube blocked, 2 IUIs with Follistim...BFNs.
    RPL testing all normal, Karyotyping normal

    Moving on to IVF.

    IVF #1 April 2012 = BFN, IVF #2 June 2012 = BFP. U/S 7/23 = saw heartbeat but measuring behind. Follow up U/S on 7/30 - no heartbeat. D&C 8/2. Trisomy 12. IVF #3 Oct 2012 = Chemical Pregnancy

    Phone consult with CCRM on 12/12/12 - ODWU 1/4/13 - both tubes clear(!) - AFC 24, AMH 3.2, FSH 9.6, LH 5.4, E2 25. DH has high frag rate but improved!
    IVF #4 March 2013 CCRM. EP protocol w/ Menopur, Gonal-F & Dexamethasone. ER 3/29 & IMSI, PICSI. 43R 13M 10F 6blasts bio'd. CCS testing reveals 3 normals!!!
    FET 5/31/13 of 1 4AA blast - thawed and expanded. 4dp5dt BFP.
    Beta 9dp5dt = 181, 11dp5dt = 427. 1st u/s showed a healthy heartbeat! EDD 2/16/14

    After 4 years of hoping and heartbreak, our sweet little bean was born on 2/19/14
    We are so in love with her.

    "I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."

    Everybody is welcome!!!
  • Fellow teacher in a similar situation here! I don't know if you're on any meds now, but I'm doing IVF in June and they are just keeping me on BCPs an extra few days to be sure to time my ER to be after the kids are gone. I hope you can wiggle your schedule!!
    Married 6/08, TTC 7/09
    MC w/ D&C 3/11 ~ 9.5 weeks
    CP/MC 1/12 ~ 5 weeks
    2 IUI's w/ BFN
    IVF 6/12 ~ 8R, 0F ~ Rescue ISCI gave us 3dt of 2 (6 cell, 9+ cell)
    DS born ~ 3/3/13
    IVF 6/14 ~ Operation Sibling ~ 10R, 5F ~ 5dt of 1 Blast
    Beta 1: 1600+, Beta 2: 4588
    Everyone Welcome!
    image image
    Pregnancy Ticker image

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  • Thanks, chicks! Right now I am only on BCP's. I am PRAYING they can do the FET a few days later. My concern is that they only do them certain times of each month. I don't know when the cutoff is. I won't know anything until tomorrow, so of course I will panic & worry until then. Some friends said to not worry about it & if that's when I have to go, then so be it. I know this is WAY more important but I would be heartbroken if I couldn't say goodbye to my kiddos properly. It was such an emotional year & they kept me going. They are very special to me.

    Plus my co-workers (love 'em!) are so nosy. Not sure what cover story I could come up with that they would buy if I have to miss the last 3 days of work :/ 

     I would be able to get my hubby (probably) to help pack the room.

    Thanks for the well wishes! 

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  • I'm a teacher too and I keep prayng my er or et will be on a weekend. The end of the year is SO crazy! I hope they can change it for you!
    Lilypie - (5WpR)
    Me(26)PCOS, Hypothyroidism & Incompetent Cervix  DH(28)Azoospermia
    4/11 Off BCPs -- Cycle 1-3 (6months) - No ovulation, Provera
    Cycle 4-6 - Provera, Clomid 50mg, CD23BW - All BFN (HSG-all clear)
    Dec 2011 DH S/A shows zero count - dx Azoo
    TESE 4/13/12 - Sperm found!! 5 viles frozen
    IVF ICSI #1- (Lupron protocol) 5R 2F 2dt- 2DP & 4CF - BFFN
    IVF ICSI #2-  (Antagonist protocol) Started stims 7/26
    ER 8/8 11R 9F 3dt - 9BF & 7BF (+HPT 8dp3dt)TWINS! EDD 5/1/13
    <312/9 Joshua David and Zoe Faith born too early at 19w4d due to incompetent cervix <3
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
      LAP Transabdominal Cerclage - 4/15/13 only possibility of carrying my children to term 
    IVF#3 - June 2013 -  canceled.
    IVF ICSI #3.2- (Antagonist Protocol) 7/26 start stims (same day, a year later from J & Z's stim start date!)
     ER 8/7 19R 9F 3dt of 2- 8BF embryos. (+HPT 7dp3dt) Beta #1 - 82.8 Beta #2 - 821 Beta #3 - 7254
    9/11/13 - U/S shows 1 baby HR 135bpm! EDD: 4/30/13
    It's a BOY!!
    2/9/14 - DX Gestational Diabetes
    C-section scheduled for 4/7/14 (36w5d)
    Colin Joseph - 1:07pm 6lbs 14oz - 8 days in the NICU
    Everyone Welcome!
  • They should have about a week window where they do them since people stim for different numbers of days. Hopefully it's not an issue and you can get it moved a few days later.
  • My RE was able to shift the day of my FET transfer by a whole week because I was supposed to be traveling when I would be starting IM injections and I was terrified of trying to do them by myself.  They said shifting a FET is so much easier than shifting a fresh cycle.  Fx your clinic is able to work with you.
    Me: 35 DH: 37 TTC since 4/2010
    DX: 6/9/2011: Azoo ICSI/IVF only option for biological child
    IVF #1: ER - 9/26 * ET - 10/1 * beta#1 10/13 - 140 * beta#2 10/17 - 477 * beta#3 10/20 - 1101
    1st u/s at 6w6d - one hb * 2nd u/s at 8w3d - no hb detected 11/10/11 * natural m/c 11/13/11
    FET #1 Jan/Feb 2012 - 3 delays - cancelled 2/13
    FET #1.2 - May/June 2012 - ET 6/6/* beta#1 6/15 - 95 * beta #2 6/19 - 322 * beta #3 6/22 - 940
    7/6 1st u/s @ 7 weeks - one beautiful hb - released from RE
    EDD 2/22/2013
    PAIF/SAIF/PGAL welcome
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Teacher here as well. I will be on stims at the end of the year and will have to pack up. I know some schools don't like you to start too early but is there a way you could speak to your administrator only and ask them if you can start packing early, at least the things you shouldn't be packing or lifting after ET? I really hope your clinic is able to move you to the following week. I am in a different situation where my kids will be gone and I will be out of the classrooms before the school year is over. I accumulated comp time and am actually taking off the last two days of school which should help with monitoring because ER will be a few days later. I am sure it is all going to work out just fine! GL!
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  • Hello - I had talked to my nurse about the timing of an FET. She said she knows the doc can extend the days, but wasn't sure about shortening the days - I think they may play with the estrogen dose. I would talk to your RE about this.

    Married 09.9.11 (Me:31 and DH:31)
    Left Tubal Ligation in 2004
    1.2.12 BFP
    1.16.12 LAP due to Ectopic @ 7w, Right Tubal Ligation
    3.19.12 IVF #1 - Stims (Lupron + Gonal F + Luveris)
    3.29 ER - 6 snowbabies (ET postponed due to OHSS)
    FET 6/6 - transferred two 4AB snowbabies
    Beta #1 6/16 = 683, Beta #2 6/18 = 1703, Beta #3 6/20 = 4073, u/s #1 @ 5wks = TWINS!!, 7w u/s two heartbeats <3<3 TWIN BOYS<br>

    ***SAIFW & PAIFW***

    Pregnancy Ticker


  • Good news! I spoke with the nurse & she said no worries...the date is not set in stone. We have to see how my body reacts to all the meds I will be on. And she said that most likely the FET won't be on that date & we could push it back a couple of days if I needed. WHEW!!!! Thanks for all of your well wishes!
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