I scored some free CD from a mom in Mommy and Me giving away some diapers she couldn't sell. I got some AIOs and a cover. However, the mom told me that she would put the AIOs in the dryer, and she bleached frequently. I used one of the AIOs and left it out to air dry, but now it's stiff. I don't know if I should stick it in the dryer on low to fluff it back up or if it needs to have the bleach rinsed out of it. I washed it with my prefolds, but I'm scared to let it anywhere near my pocket diapers.
Is the stiffness normal? This is the first AIO I've owned, so I don't know how they're supposed to be. Should I cut my losses and toss it? The cover looks (and works) fine, but I don't know what I should do with the AIOs.
Re: Can they be saved?
Anytime I line dry anything with natural fibres it is a little stiff. Every time I've used bleach it has rinsed out really easily, so I don't think there would be an issue with her having used bleach, except of course for it breaking down the diaper more quickly.
Is the AIO a natural fibre?
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What material is the inside? When I line dried my KL0's, they were stiff and I had to fluff them. So if it's a natural fiber like hemp or bamboo, then it probably will be stiff when line dried. Microfiber shouldn't be though.
I doubt it's the bleach.
Natural fibers always line dry stiff, what kind of AIO is it? You can fluff in the dryer, but my LO doesn't seem to mind if they are stiff.
any time you line dry something it's going to be stiffer than when you put it in the dryer.
I've found that if I throw the wet diapers in the dryer for 10-15 min prior to putting them up on the line they don't get as stiff. or you could take them down from the line before they're completely dry and finish them up in the dryer.