i love the name Sterling for my little girl. my husband however does not. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL OPINION ON THE NAME ITSELF...since i respect him and his decision i am looking for "some suggestions on alternatives for a name that i might like with the same feel or sound or lasting impression." (yes i quoted that from my last post) so if your just one of those "baby name board bullies" please step back and let people who really want to help... actually help. thanks!
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Re: let's try this again...
OhhhKay.... Have you asked your H what names he likes? Maybe if we know his style, we could find a name you can both agree on?
What I see when I see the name sterling is surname, so suggestions based on that would be Delaney, McKenzie, Harper, Tatum.
I also connect sterling to silver so Sylvia popped into my head too?
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
suggestions from people who actually give a sh*t... thank you
Without more information about what you like about Sterling and what your husband objects to, I would recommend other surnames:
Ellery (has same -er sound)
Emerson (ditto)
If you don't like the possibility of a girly nickname (Emmy, Ellie, etc.), I'd go for something in the more androgynous vein:
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First off - I 100% agree on the "BNB bullies" - some of them need to get real jobs instead of sitting on TB all day waiting to be a B*
On a more happy note, I love the name Sterling. I think it's unique - unlike the trillions of people trying to be "unique" with simply UGLY names such as Scarlett, Charlotte, Beatriz and the like.
I'm not sure if I can gauge your "style" just based off the one name you provided...however, Sterling makes me think you like unique names. So this is what I have to offer that I like:
Gemmalyn (Gemma)
I'm sorry if I'm totally reading your style wrong - these are just a few that I've came across that are unique, and IMO, think are beautiful. None "sound" like Sterling - I'm sorry for that.
Take it down about three notches, please.
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Baby Name Popularity by State
the names i listed above are ones we agree on. i like Sylvia and Tatum! thank you! i'll add those to the list.
And this is where I will step in and say while Scarlett may not be unique, neither is spelling a popular name wrong = to unique either.
Carry on.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
Pretty sure there are only about 3 names on that list spelled "wrong" = Camrynn, Harleigh and Braedyn.
If this list was geared towards you and your PLAIN taste in a name of Scarlett - I would've tailored it for you. Start your own post for that...and, as I mentioned in my initial post - get a real job, rather than making it your job commenting where your opinions are warranted. This post was NOT for YOU.
Based on the information that you like Sterling, Tatum, and Sylvia, I've got a few more possibilities:
Stella, Harper, Charlotte, Myra, Norma, and Rosa.
I am using Nymbler and cheating because my own creativity doesn't seem to work as well.
If you have names that your husband does like, that can help to narrow it down.
Good luck!!
Ophelia - This is fine but you will have the Shakespeare association for sure
Josephine - really like this and underused in my personal experience
Persephone - There are a ton of other mythology names that I prefer over this
Nerissa - I don't care for it. It doesn't sound pretty when said in my opinion
Daenarys - love the character but you will have spelling and pronunciation butcherings from here until eternity
Isolde - again with the pronunciation butchering
Daphne - I actually really love this. It is on our short list for future children.
Other suggestions: Genevieve, Camille, Ariadne, Corrine, Helena, Hera, Lena, Penelope, Kassandra, Melinda, Phoebe, Aurora, Esme
I added in a few of your others (Persephone, Daphne, and Josephine) and got a few more:
Constance, Penelope, Violet, Eleanor.
I love Daphne, by the way.
Never said I liked Scarlett - I was using a name you said were "unique" towards your list of uniquely spelled names.
And just FYI: Ashlyn is spelled Aisling - it is Gaelic. (and I will not even address the Leigh at the end of the Tens)
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
Not sure, I might be a BNB bully if giving my opinion when asked constitutes for one. Not everyone is going to agree with you in a public forum.
Anyway, names that come to mind (most NMS, but could be yours) are:
BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15
First let me say, sorry for all the grief u got yesterday...it's easy for other people to be critical
Your child, your choice.
I like unusual names (no crazy spelling though).
Here are some suggestions that come to my mind: Starlyn (or Starlynn), Sterlyn, Starlah, Silver, Starlene, Starlena, Spring.
Hope this helps and good luck
Baby names are hard for some people (me for example)
"no crazy spelling though"
I didn't see your other post, but you're obnoxiously demanding. Figure it out yourself.
ohh i do like Starlyn and Starlah... that is part of why Sterling was so appealing to me. Sterling means starling... still dunno if hubster will go for it but i will add it to the suggestions. thank you!
or... dont waste my time by posting stuff that is not needed or asked for.
Aren't you the one who said someone's suggested name sounded like a terrorist, and then lashed out at another poster for being a liberal?
OP, some names that might work (sorry for repeats):
Ariadne, Athena, Cordelia, Calista, Celeste, Danica, Felicity, Leonora, Lorelei, Magdalena, Mirabel, Selah, Talia
What about Starling? Its a little softer than Sterling, a little more feminine. It's easy to pronounce and has the same feel as Sterling.
Of your list, I love Daphne and Josephine. The rest are NMS.
Some other names I have come up with since I have no idea what all you like other than the few you posted earlier:
ALyssa, Emilia (this is the name of the girl who plays Daenerys in GOT, Adrianna, Aria, Melody, Cassiopeia, Calliope, Lorelai, Hermione, Trinity
Sterling and Starling don't mean the same thing.
Sterling refers to silver and starling is a bird.
https://www.babynames.com/name/STERLING well not according to this definition.... but whatev...
Amen to that! We are not your minions. You do not run the internet. You do not get to dictate how people respond to a post, even if you feel that the replies are harsh or hurtful. There are much nicer, non-bitchy ways to get your point across.
If you want sparkles and rainbows blown at you, ask your friends for help, not a bunch of strangers on a public message board.
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
I am confused as to why you returned for advice with what appears to be a very condescending tone when you didn't like your first responses? On this board, the "norm" is to give the opinions of all names suggested because it's a board where we discuss baby names. No one was singling you out to be mean... perhaps lurking awhile would have helped (not sure if you did that or not). Furthermore, the original post came off like you were asking advice about a stand-still with your Dh and looking for support to "win"... well, apparently a lot of folks just felt the same away about the name as your DH does. Having an opinion that is different than yours does not equal snarky/mean.
I was the one who suggested Stella in the prior thread, but it sounds like that is nixed for you. I like the Shakespearean suggestions too. I am too turned off by the original post and the subsequent responses of the OP to suggest more.
Its not our fault that you can't handle the cold hard opinions. For instance. I posted the other day about the name Renwick . It's my DH grandfather s name . I was trying hard to make it work for my husbands sake because it really means something to him. And some people were harsh but that's okay. It's the freaKing Internet. Strangers opinion only matter to a limited extent.
Get over yourself.
And there, OP is where you should have stopped....
Agreed. You call the regulars on here "bullies," and then try to dictate exactly what can be posted by bashing those who don't agree with you. You're a hypocrite. And you can't control what people say on the internet, so stop trying. It makes you appear quite immature.
By the way, I did read your original post. The majority of it was trying to reason yourself into holding onto the name even though your husband hated it. You asked our opinion hoping to get a positive response that you could throw in your husband's face. Your request for other suggestions seemed more like an afterthought because you really just wanted to hold onto Sterling. I understand that you didn't get the responses you wanted (though I didn't really see anything that crossed the line, most people just told you that if your husband didn't like it you should start over), but, unfortunately, that's not something you can control. When you ask for opinions, expect to get them. Perhaps next time you should be a little more clear in your request. And I don't mean by creating a seperate post that insults the people who took the time to answer your original question.
You suck as a human being, OP. And far exceeded any supposed "BNB Bully" with that comment.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.