Hello all,
Yesterday I was having a lot of cramping and back pain so my MFM told me to come on in, even though my anatomy scan is on Monday. They were so great and checked me out and I saw both babies, lying bunk bed style! I am only 15 weeks, but measuring 24 weeks. I know in my head I am pregnant with twins and I want healthy babies, but I still feel like a whale! How big was everyone measuring early on if you remember?
The good thing is I have gained 5lbs finally. Baby A was waving and Baby B was kicking. I look forward to Monday, but have to admit I am still a little nervous!
Take care,
Re: Measuring Big
I don't know what my fundal height is, but I'm HUGE! And some of the pg symptoms that I remember experiencing the last time around (towards the end of the pregnancy) have already started. I'm freaking out at the idea that this will continue and only get worse. I've gained a little more weight (9 or 10 pounds), but I feel like a giant. Sorry you're feeling it too... we'll make it, hang in there!
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017