Attachment Parenting

Bed Sharing

I was wondering what you guys use for bed sharing/ co sleeping. My LO really doesn't like sleeping in his PnP. After his last feeding I normally just put him in bed next to me and he falls right asleep and will sleep for almost 4 hours!! He only sleeps about 2 in his PnP. I feel really guilty and nervous doing this though. I have heard way too many stories of babies getting killed this way. By mom rolling over on them etc. I wanted to pick something up where he can sleep in bed with us, but not have the possibility of this happening. What do you guys use to co-sleep? 
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Re: Bed Sharing

  • I just got a bed rail and then made the bed safe: removed memory foam topper so it was more firm, slept with only 1 pillow and 1 light blanket for me, kept pajamas safe (no strings, not too loose), etc.

    Overlying deaths nearly always involve drugs or alcohol. Also, your baby is safer in bed (especially a prepared bed) than sleeping with you in a recliner, rocker, or on the couch.

  • Unless you are a really heavy sleeper I wouldn't worry about rolling over him. Mom's really do have instinctual knowledge of where baby is while sleeping. But they do sell little bassinets that you can put on the bed while lo is still very small. Like this:

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  • Hi - I usually lurk on this board but wanted to chime in.  I started bed sharing for the same reason - DS just doesn't sleep well on his own and does much better in bed with us.  He sleeps in his RNP until his first feeding, around 12/1am then I bring him to bed for the rest of the night.  I've never been worried about rolling on him at all.  I know he'll wake up for at least 1 more feeding.  We have a king bed, and DH stays on his far side - he's not allowed to cross the mid-line of the bed.  I keep DS's head at my chest level so the pillow is nowhere near him, and I keep his body about 6 inches away from mine, with my hand resting on his hip (he's a side sleeper). I also keep the covers down low so they aren't near his head either. It's been working for us for the past two months.  You've got to do what you feel comfortable with though.  GL!

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  • MAMAxBMAMAxB member

    I just got a bed rail and then made the bed safe: removed memory foam topper so it was more firm, slept with only 1 pillow and 1 light blanket for me, kept pajamas safe (no strings, not too loose), etc.

    Overlying deaths nearly always involve drugs or alcohol. Also, your baby is safer in bed (especially a prepared bed) than sleeping with you in a recliner, rocker, or on the couch.

    everything token said. 
    evelyn 4.2010 | will 1.2012 | baby BOY due 12.2014
    pregnant and/or breastfeeding since 2009.

  • I have NO idea how anyone gets their babies to sleep by themselves. My baby girl sleeps with her head on my arm, facing me. I can't even tell you how often she nurses at night sometimes because I'm barely awake for 2 minutes to latch her on and then I'm back asleep. 

    Every night I make sure our sheet is on the bed tightly, I take off all the pillows except the one under my head and between my legs. And I use a light blanket and try to keep it at waist level.

    If I'm extremely tired, I don't sleep with her. If I had been drinking I wouldn't sleep with her. Even if I was sober, if I had been drunk, I wouldn't sleep with her. I have no fear of her in bed with us. I'm very aware of her. I wake up before she starts crying. 

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  • oh, and so far my cosleeper has made a handy dandy...STORAGE SPACE! Yeah, she likes the cosleeper less than her bouncer, less than the boppy (she lays on it on the couch while I'm sitting next to her), less than the sling, less than the carseat. All of which she's not a huge of fan of. Part of me hopes she grows to like it soon, but part of me doesn't care. I love snuggling with her.
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  • I think it is important to be aware of the dangers of co-sleeping. Really though, just don't be on drugs. 

    I was so worried at first (and of course they are so small then), but I was always SO aware of where she was in the bed.  I think I worried way too much. 

     It was so nice once I relaxed and just enjoyed her being near us. Plus, BFing this way is just so much better.  Enjoy it. I really think the dangers are overblown.  Also, do you have a RNP?  That was the only thing my LO would sleep in. 

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