
Already a Mom of Multiples Plus Pregnant or Newborn - Check In

Hey ladies! I'm sorry I missed last week's check-in, it was very hectic here.

1.  How is everyone doing/adjusting?  Any updates on your pregnancy progress or your LOs progress?

2.  How did you spend Mother's Day?

Hope everyone has a great finish to the week!

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Re: Already a Mom of Multiples Plus Pregnant or Newborn - Check In

  • 1.  I'm holding up pretty good.  I had a follow up to my a/s and I need to go in for a fetal echo on Tuesday.  No red flags, just having a hard time getting a clear picture of this baby's heart and since my girls were born with a couple abnormalities, they're being "extra cautious."  Still, I can't wait for Tuesday to be over.  But on the positive side, this baby moves around like crazy, which is always fun and I've been feeling pretty good.  My sister is taking my girls for the entire weekend for some "quality time" so I will spend my time alone getting a bunch of projects done around the house that have been weighing on me - nesting for sure!

    2.  DH and I took the kids to Maine for a long weekend.  On Sunday I took them to Portland Head Light and then a nearby cove for a picnic.  The girls loved it and haven't stopped talking about the "lighthouse by the water" and "blanket by the water" all week to whoever will listen.  That afternoon while they were napping DH told me to go shopping at the outlets (we stayed in Freeport- major outlet town), so of course I went and blew all kinds of money on summer clothes for the girls for next year and new clothes for the baby.  DH was shaking his head when I came back with 2 huge Gymboree Outlet bags and nothing for myself!  Oh well! 

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • 1. Nothing new or exciting here. All is well. 

    2. DH gave me the morning off for Mother's Day (actually the Saturday before bc he worked on actual Mother's day.) I got a pedi and sat at Starbucks and stared into space for a half hour then went grocery shopping by myself. It is funny how what used to be normal life is now an exciting morning. On Mother's day itself I had family over to our house. Fun but not very relaxing.  OVerall a good weekend though. 

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  • Hi Ladies, I have no real updates. I'm pretty much half baked. My a/s is in a few weeks, but we already found out what we're having through elective ultrasound (not that the a/s is just the gender reveal). We're welcoming another little girl. I feel great and can't believe that a pregnancy can actually be easy. And my twin pregnancy was easy and uneventful, I just didn't realize how much more work my body was doing then. 

    Mother's Day was awesome. The "kids" made me finger painted gift certificates for hugs and kisses and a breakfast sandwich. They are so good to me :) We planted some flowers, went for a walk to a park and had a barbecue. The weather was gorgeous too.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing/feeling well so far! Thinking of you Amanda! 

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