My baby is 1 year now, so let's recap!
My water broke about 6am, when I got up to go potty. I took my time heading to the hospital, because I wasn't even having contractions.
Got to the hospital 8-830am. They told me I was 1cm. A couple hours pass. They tell me I should induce. I asked if I can walk around or try to get things going naturally. They said yes, but I only had about 24 hours before they had to get the baby out... and that I would likely be in labor for at least 24 MORE hours. By this point, the nurse had already blown 2 of my veins trying to get the IV in my arm. I shouldv'e known at this point... (The first one blood squirted EVERYWHERE! My husband's face was sheet white & livid.)
One nurse advised to shower and aim the water at my nipples. This worked. I started having more regular contractions, that HURT, in the evening. I thought for sure things were moving along. The nurse insisted that I wasn't even at "active labor" yet, and my contractions just hurt so bad because my water broke, and the water "cushions" the pain. Lucky me. Finally somewhere between 12-1am, the nurse feels I am in active labor (about 3-4cm) as I was panicy, shaky, etc. I get the epidural. I sleep.. 2 hours of glorious, pain free sleep.
I wake up... pain with a vengeance from contractions. I am confused. I tell the nurse. She tells me that some pain is normal from pressure. This is when fun began, and things are really blurry.
I was getting bags of antibiotics since i was GBS+ and was on my 4th bag when my arm was searing with pain. It literally felt like my veins were being burned off from the inside out. Came to find out that each bag of antibiotics are stronger than the previous. Nothing they could do about it, but put an ice pack on it. Lovely. My temp. started to climb. I was .1 degree away from being rushed to emergency c-section. I was freezing. I was shaking. Nurse wouldn't put a blanket on me since she was worried it would increase my chances of infection. I was chattering helplessly laying there while the pain got worse. 8cm. I thought you weren't supposed to feel too much "pain" with an epidural? She did send in the anesthesiologist and I got a boost. I felt it hit my feet, and that's about it.
By this point I was in so much pain, I could just barely handle it. The nurses had to come tell me to calm down "or else" a few times, but still insisted my epidural was working and it would be so much worse had I not had it. Breathing with my husband is about the only thing that kept me from having a panic attack out of pain... and instantly being rushed to a c-section.
9.5cm. 7am. The next day. Shift change. Spastic pain. I was pushing, and the nurse kept telling me no. I couldn't help it. She told me to stop or I'd damage my cervix. As soon as she left I yelled at my husband to get me another nurse, and then I pushed. For an hour. Oh, I felt it all. I knew when I was crowning, when her head was out, when she kicked me on her way out. I knew. 9 pounds and 21.5 inches later at 8:32am, she was instantly given to techs to test her out.
I don't know the time span here, or much else. I thought I was done, and at this point, I might've been ok. I pushed to deliver placenta. Not so bad, I thought.
The MW called in the Dr. The nurse asked him if she needed the kit. They were kneading my belly, and I was screaming and sobbing and begging them to stop. My husband was torn between trying to see his baby, and me pulling at him to comfort me. Why were they torturing me? I just had a freaking 9 pound baby! (No stitches or tears!)
Turns out, there were issues bleeding. Don't know if it was too much, not enough, or placenta didn't detatch right. He explain it to me during the torture, but hell if I remember anything but the pain.
I had a D&C, It was pain worse than labor, pushing, all of it, combined. My Dr. simply said, "but you had the epidural, right?" And I did, except I could still feel everything. Isn't that obvious since I'm sobbing and screaming?!
But he continued. And I sobbed, and I pleaded, and I screamed. And finally he stopped. And finally I got to hold my baby.
While they were unplugging me to move me to mother/baby... the nurse asked: "How long has the epidural been turned off?"
I couldn't walk. I could barely hold my child, and I certainly couldn't hold her long enough to nurse her. I couldn't get out of bed without help, and I had to physically move one of my legs with my arms for a day or two.
A year later, I am just discovering what happened... I had a D&C with no medication. Women who are given IV pain meds and plenty of pain pills still say it's a miserable pain, and I had none of that. Had my epidural worked, I shouldn't have felt anything. He destroyed me. Perhaps permanently. That experience was so horrific, I have PTSD symptoms over it. And my poor husband was standing next to me and witnessed it all.
Re: Evelyn Joyce
Holy sh!t. What an experience--I'm sorry it was so awful for you
But congrats on your little girl and happy 1st birthday (albeit a bit late)!
Sounds like MY doctors the first time around when I told them that they had missed with the Epi. Smart mouthed nurse told me that "No, that pressure is normal" so when I swore at her and told her it wasn't pressure it was searing, burning and wrentching pain, she sighed, called the "needle guy" back in and they re stuck me. That time, was heaven.
Then I had the nurse removed from my service. I told her nothing personal, but that my attitude was more then enough for the labor, I didn't need her's too.
I hope you are ok now though? I had PostPardem for around 10 months with my first and my ex didn't listen when I told him something was wrong with me.