DD (5) is in her second year of preschool. She is very shy & while she loves school, she has only made one good friend. She does talk about a few other girls & seems to like them & gets along ok with them.
I picked her up today and she was in an awful mood - tantrums, crying, etc. I finally got her to tell me what was wrong. Today is the birthday of one of the girls she talks about & seems friendly with. She says a bunch of the kids were talking about going to her birthday party tomorrow and that it made her sad. She asked why she wasn't invited. It just about broke my heart.
Now, I know not to believe 100% of what she says happened in school, but I did hear the birthday girl's mom & several other moms discussing the party at pick up today - so I think it is a distinct possibility that they were talking about it in school. I am only on superficial chit chat with most of these moms - not the friendliest group but I am surprised at the exclusion.
I talked to DD about her feelings, said that sometimes you can't invite everyone for whatever reason, and then got her to focus on some fun things that we have coming up. But I feel like I should have better answers for her. What could I have said? She is super shy so I have a feeling we will be dealing with this kind of thing a lot And of course she's my baby so I am feeling all mama bear & want to protect her.
Re: s/o not inviting the whole class - DD left out
Thanks for the support. It is so tough to help them deal with this stuff. I had hoped to have another year or two before we were faced with these kind of exclusions. She honestly had no idea why she wouldn't be invited - to her everyone gets invited & they are all friends.
How is your DS doing? Has he started at the new school? What an awful thing to have happened for all of you.
I am so sorry that your lo has to experience this type of exclusion. I hope that she is in a better mood by now and that she forgets about it all.
That stinks when parents plan parties and don't invite all the kids in the class.
Thanks for asking. He had a rough week last week with a lot of outbursts and tantrums. He also didn't want to sleep (worse then normal). He started on Monday and said "my new school is cool". When we got there today he almost got thrown on the floor by one of the boys giving him a hug and all of the boys moved to the empty table so they could eat breakfast with him. It was great to see boys being so kind and loving again. DS was a little overwhelmed with the attention, but it was a nice change.
I'm sorry that happened to your LO.
Honestly, I'd say something to the teacher and to the mom/moms about how your LO reacted. We should be teaching our children to be kind and inclusive. I understand that sometimes its not financially possible to include everyone, but if that's the case, you shouldn't be discussing it in front of others either.
You don't necessarily have to invite everyone, but if you have 30 kids and you invite 26, don't kid yourself that the 4 aren't going to find out and be hurt. If you genuinely want to only invite a handful of kids, than do that, but don't pretend that inviting 8 our of 10 kids in a class isn't going to hurt somebodies feelings, no matter waht the reason is.
This age (especially w/ girls IMO) is the time to model of how to be a good friend and how to be inclusive for everyone. Have you seen how bitchy 3rd grade girls can be to each other? I want to avoid my DD's involvement in that scenario in any way possible - either as the bully or the bullied.
This is how I feel about it, too. DD has been invited to some and not invited to some. It's a fact of life. DD invited all the girls and one boy from her class (8 of 17). It wasn't about excluding anyone. It was a girly glitter pony party. Made sense to have mostly girls, that's who she wanted there (well, she specifically said she wanted probably 5 of the girls, I invited all 7) and the one little boy she invited is her best friend in the class.
I mailed the invitations, and I made sure I told her she was not to talk about the party at school because we didn't invite everyone. She totally understood why and respected that and never did talk about it. When she's found out about other parties she's not been invited to, she's been a little sad, but we talk about how not everyone gets invited every time and she moved on.
I don't think parent are obligated to invite all or none, but I think there is a kind way to do it (all girls/all boys, only a very few, mail the invites, don't talk about the party).
As a teacher this makes me cringe. Why does a teacher need to be involved? I can control/monitor what happens in my room and make sure that everyone is included, treated fairly, nice to each other, etc, but I can't (and shouldn't have to) start getting involved in who is invited to who's party.
I guess I should clarify, excluding 1-2 kids is not cool imo. It would be different if it were all girls, all boys etc. I also think that being in a class of 34 is different than my son being in a class of 10 so I am coming from that pov.
I am not big on non-family parties so I may be the wrong one to chime in
Inviting 8 out of a class of 23 or 30 is far different than inviting 8 out of a class of 10.
As far as informing the teacher, I guess I was thinking about our school where the rule is that if you are not inviting everyone in the class, you can't give out invitations at school and avoid talking about it at school.
I completely get the idea that sometimes it is not feasible for space, financial, whatever reasons to invite the whole class. However, this is a small class of only 15 kids but it is what it is. And I know that this situation will happen in many forms for the rest of her life. I just think it sucks that she has to start to deal with it at only 5 years old.
She has bounced back - we are focusing on fun things that we have coming up and she seems to have moved on. I just hope I am able to say the right things when she is asking me why it happened. That was actually the point of my post. I am not going to address it with the teachers or other moms. I just want to help my DD. Thanks for the different perspectives.
BFP 8/2/10 (3w5d); No more heartbeat on 8/30/10 (7w4d); D&C on 9/2/10 (8w) - Baby Boy with Triploidy
BFP 12/3/10 (4w2d); Natural miscarriage 12/12/10 (5w4d) - Unknown cause
Diagnosed with Compound Heterozygous MTHFR
BFP 3/9/11; Baby Boy #2 born on 11/7/11
Currently TTC Baby #3
WTF, seriously? I could never imagine NOT inviting a child to a party because they are the shy one. Posts like this make me so sad. I agree that it is not always possible to invite everyone, but to purposely exclude 1 or 2 is just cruel. Any adult should just plain know better and use it as an example to teach their child to be accepting and kind to others.
Huh? You realize that this is incredibly trashy and makes you look like a complete and total jerk. Not just to the woman who you are spreading rumors about, but to everyone else there who sees you as someone who can't keep her nose out of everyone else's business. I understand being upset about your son not being included and the comment about him being wild, but this response is unforgiveable and immature. You will ALWAYS be excluded if this is how you present yourself in public.
OP, Im sorry your son was excluded. It is a hard life lesson for our LOs to learn at this tender age. Sadly, this issue won't go away and we need to help boost our kids' self esteem other ways. Maybe let him invite a few friends over and make it special with a trip somewhere
Married 6/28/03
Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10
4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014
No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.
"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens