Cloth Diapering

Anyone use Kushies?

They are on sale on ecobabybuys right now. I looked at the FAQs, and I couldn't find them in the spreadsheet. I hate to buy something that might not be great! Thanks.

Re: Anyone use Kushies?

  • lwsnakelwsnake member
    Don't do. Just don't. I'd rather use a dish towel and a shower cap. I bought some but I regret it. For the price get some kawaiis or prefolds.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Haha. Thank you SO much! That's why I love this board!
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  • We've used their Ultra-Lites for a couple years now and absolutely love them..!  It's a personal choice, you never know what you are going to like, or dislike, right?  We love that they're cotton, they fit great (a little on the large size though) and we don't have any leaks unless of course we've left it on too long and that will happen with any diaper.  If it's a good price why not try it?  You could always swap, trade, or sell them if you find they're not for you!
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