About the glider board, I wanted to use it a couple times before I gave you a "review." Can't say we've used it a ton still because DH has been home a lot because he took a day off for a wedding so we've just been using two strollers.
Anyhow. So far I like it a lot. It seems impossible that I would be able to get all three kids in such a compact area, but it works. I thought I might have trouble walking with it on because I am tall, but so far haven't had any problems. Mostly I have just used it to run in and out of stores/the library etc. The boys have switched off who stands and who sits and no fuss has been made yet. I haven't taken it on any big outings yet, like to the zoo but I think they'll be OK. They like to walk a lot at the zoo anyway so I figure it should work out. I'm glad we got it and think I'll use it a lot.
PS. I PM'ed you a while back but don't know if you saw it.