
Sudden bedwetting - 6 year old DS

I don't tend to post much, but the situation in which I find myself right now is so out of the ordinary for our family that I felt the need to reach out. Hopefully someone has some input!

For the past 5 nights, DS (turned 6 in March) has wet the bed. About 6 months before that, there were occasions on which he had small amounts of wetness in his underwear during the day as well, but that had seemed to resolved...until the past week or two. The daytime "drops" seem to be under control again as DS has been very compliant with our wishes to use the toilet more often, but the nighttime episodes are worrying me. After climbing up his loft bed to change sheets every morning this week, I finally bought him some overnight "underwear". :( This kills me to see as he's been 100% potty trained day and night since he was 3. Even his sister and brother are dry night and day (which,of course, I don't say to him).

I just don't know what to do. I'm careful not to blame or make him feel ashamed, but he can tell I'm emotional about it and he gets upset as well at bedtime for a few minutes. I've tried asking if anything has been bothering him, if he's worried about the new baby coming (June 25th) or if he feels sick or different in his body. No to all of those. I actually took him to the doctor right when the daytime accidents were happening to test for a bladder infection - clean bill of health, and the doc just said it happens to some children, then goes away again.

Please, someone let me know this has happened in your family! How long did it last? Did it resolve itself? Did you discover the cause? How did you help your child? Thanks!!

My three little ones

Re: Sudden bedwetting - 6 year old DS

  • So sorry, that must be hard.  I once read on here in response to a similar post that if the child is extra tired, or has been staying up later than normal this can trigger bed wetting because they are staying in the deeper sleep states for longer.  Has anything changed in regards to bed time or wake up time?
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  • It is a possibility that he's staying up longer as he now has his own room and a little more freedom with the reading lamp up on his bed. I think he's usually asleep by 9 (gets up around 6), but maybe I should start checking to make sure he's not just playing possum before I go to bed in the future. Thanks for the idea!

    My three little ones
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  • Does he use the bathroom right before bed? Does he have trouble getting up and down from the loft bed? Maybe he can't get to the bathroom on time.
  • IlumineIlumine member

    There could be a number of phsycal reasons.  He could be too tired to "feel" his full bladder.  He could be going through a growth spurt, which is affecting his bladder control.  He could have a UTI. 

    Why not get a check up first.

  • Hey, Rebbie! I hope you check back and see this. I haven't seen you on in forever! Congrats on baby #4! I'm due in September with baby girl #3. 

    As far as bed wetting goes, my best advice would be to get him up and have him go to the bathroom before you go to bed. We've had this issue with DD2. She was fully trained and not having any accidents. Then she started wetting the bed. She's in bed at 8:00, and DH and I usually go to bed around 10-10:30. I get her up and put her on the potty, and she usually goes without even waking up. I wish I could be of more help. I would try that and limiting his drinks before bedtime. We recently cut out bedtime milk for this reason. 

    Are you still in Frankfurt? It's good to "see" you again!


    Elizabeth Grace 11.20.05 Nora June 7.15.08 Beatrix Catherine 9.4.12
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