Hello Ladies,I had about 13 tests done after my 2nd miscarriage and the two that came back out-of-range were Anti-Nuclear Ab and Anti-Thyroid Microsomal Ab (TPO). My ob/gyn said they were slightly elevated and not to worry too much. He said the findings were non-specific to my miscarriages. The results are now being forwarded to my RE, who I suspect will be more discouraging.Anyone have positive/out-of-range/ results with these two tests? Any advice is welcome and appreciated!
Re: Recurrent Loss Panel Test Results
After my m/c my thryoid panel came back abnormal, my RE said it was quite common for your thyroid to go hyper and then hypo and then normalize after a m/c. I had it retested a few weeks later and it was back to normal. I'm not sure this correlates to your findings in any way but l but thought I'd offer if up.
Me 41 DH 46 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test. TTC #2 **5th cycle 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy is due 04/28/13!!
I had the RPL after 2 miscarriages as well and one of the things tested came back very slightly higher (like 1 digit) than "normal". It was awhile ago so I can't even remember which one it was...but basically was told that most likely my m/c were just a string of "bad luck".
We are going in next week for more testing and to discuss possible IUI. GL!
ETA: We've only been dealing with an RE and he didn't think this one slightly elevated component (wasn't either of the ones you mentioned) had anything to do with the m/c...so I hope things go better than you think with your RE!
I've had 2 MC but in Canada they do not do any testing - at all - until the 3rd MC.
We were referred to Infertility Clinic because of my age and medical history, but still they only did a few tests - Day 3 and Day 20 of my cycle.
Breast Cancer diagnosis 12/01/2010 - Survivor and Cancer free as of 03/22/2011
BFP#1 04/12/2011 - fetal demise - MC 05/28/2011
BFP#2 10/14/2011 - fetal demise - MC 12/13/2011
BFP#3 05/30/2012 - fetal demise - MC 07/23/2012
IVF#1 02/14/2013 - 2 Beautiful Blasts transferred
BFP#4 02/25/2013 - BFP - MC and ectopic 03/06/2013
IFV#2 07/02/2013 -BFP#5 - 07/07/2013
1st Beta 07/11/2013 - 483 (9dp5dt) - 2nd Beta 07/13/2013 1006 (11dp5dt)
1st U/S 07/31/2013 - TWINS! "The Minions"
IVF#3 BFP#6 09/01/2015 6dp5dt
1st Beta 09/05/2015 - 105 - 2nd Beta 09/08/2015 335
1st U/S 09/22/2015 - .......
Got the full results faxed and I tested positive for one copy of the c6777 MTHFR Mutation (Heterozygous). Any info on that?