I don't imagine I'll be going out much in the early days, but as a FTM and investigating choices for twin diaper bags, the thought struck me--what exactly goes in a diaper bag? For the following situations:
- newborn
- air travel (more than 5 hours)
- running errands
- overnight trip
I am planning and hoping to primarily BF, not sure if that makes a difference. Do you have multiple diaper bags (for different purposes) or just one?
Re: Diaper Bag Contents?
You can keep some things in there all the time & some have to be changed out daily.
I am a list person so in our mud room I have these excel lists from when DS was little & went to work with me. I also have a longer list for day trips & overnight list. It is laminated or you can slip in a plastic cover. I have a dry erase marker on a string next to the list to mark off what is already packed. It just helped me keep my sanity in the early days because my mind was mush. It will be different for every baby or babies.
Burp Cloths
Change of clothes (extra shirt for you if you can fit it)*
A couple of small toys/books
Changing pad
Hand sanitizer (travel size)
Plastic bags
Diaper cream
Lotion (travel size)
Baby soap (travel size)
I'll toss some neosporin and band aids in there when they get mobile. My mom/sister watch them during the day, so I made up a diaper bag just for them.
*We keep our diaper bag in the car and when we go somewhere I just toss some bottles and clothes in a plastic bag and bring that out to the car and toss it in the diaper bag. Now I carry my purse around, but before I went back to work my wallet and keys just got tossed in the diaper bag.
Burp cloths
Extra change of clothes (or 2)
Two thin wet bags
Lollipops (I have toddlers and friends with toddlers. I bribe with candy)
Cell Phone
When newborn, I always had this in my diaper bag, and never took it out, and only replaced as used (mostly for running errands):
2 outfit changes ea, 4 bibs and 2 burp clothes, diapers (depending on outing), diaper rash cream, aspirator, wipes and changing pad (most bags come with one). Bottles, water bottle and formula mix in a travel container I'd pack before leaving. Depending on the weather, I'd add blankets as well. I also had a ziplock for meds (tylenol, thermometer, gas med, DS's reflux med with syringe). As they grew, I added some toys. We have the Skip Hop for twins, and it fit everything and more perfectly.
Once they started on solid food, I pack their food and drinks in a dedicated lunch box bag. Now, the large diaper bag is too large.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
I have everything mentioned in the PP, but I would also add sunscreen, and I definitely have Tylenol at all times too. I always keep at least 8 diapers (and a couple in the car too), just in case I'm out way longer than I thought (but my girls poop 3-4 times a day, each). In the bottom, I always kept spare spoons and a couple baby food jars that I never used. I always packed them that day, but I had the extra in there if I forgot.
Now I always make sure I have snacks with their sippy cup straps.
I'm known for way overpacking, but I'm always prepared.
I also have the Skip Hop Double, and it fits everything, but does get very heavy! I just deal with it though because I'd rather have all that stuff with me.