
Exercising after a C.

When did you start? I've got weight I didn't lose that I want to work off. But I'm afraid to start exercising my ab area at all. I have a Dr appt Thursday, but I wondered what other moms were doing/did.
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Re: Exercising after a C.

  • I wasn't cleared to exercise until my 6-week appt. I did some short walks before then, and have taken more vigorous walks since being cleared. 
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  • Daisy22Daisy22 member
    I wasn't cleared until 6wks either but I walked before then. It took until about 12wks before I could do hard ab exercise. I started running after 6wks and did weights then through. 
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  • eav2ceav2c member
    My ob is a quack and cleared me at 4w. Ow. I didn't experience much pain pp *until* I worked out. I've been sore/tender ever since which has been a huge setback. I would wait til 6 weeks, at least. The weight will come off--just don't overdue yourself!
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  • I started running 6 weeks PP.  I haven't really tried abs yet, but I plan on starting at 10-12weeks. I know the running will help strengthen my core, so hopefully abs won't be too bad. Although, I am terrified of doing abs after my surgery!
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  • Your child is 3 weeks old. Give it some time.
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  • I'm not allowed to exercise until 8 weeks PP. This has been all 3 times. I'm allowed to "walk" if I want, but no weight lifting, core work, etc. until 2 months PP.
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  • I was thinking I couldn't really do anything until 6 weeks at earliest. But I figured that'd be light stuff. If 12 weeks is ok, then ill wait. I do not want to hurt myself. Makes sense, we did have major surgery.
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