Okay, apparently everyone in the entire worlds is using these but me. Can someone clue me in? We are tight on space in our master br and my kids have all hated the pack n play bassinet, so we cosleep. Clearly I can't cosleep in a queen with twins. We have an empty room across the hall, but I'm so not into walking all over in the middle of the night.
Are these as magical as they come across?
Re: Rock N Play - what?!
We have a small bedroom but we were able to fit one of our mini cribs in the room so we could cosleep without spending extra money on RNPs or a PNP. I do know a lot of singleton moms that are using RNPs and they seem to love them.
Also, just fyi (only because it's a huge pet peeve), if you sleep with your babies in the bed it's bedsharing. Co-sleeping is different (baby or babies in the same room but not in the same bed).
Good luck!
eta: I sold mine for almost what I bought them for, so I think they cost me $30 or something out of pocket.
We couldn't have lived without ours in those first few months! They were the only place the babies would give us 4 hour stretches of sleep, we used them every night until they could roll over.
All my babies would be perfectly quiet...until the second my head hit the pillow. That's when all the grunting would begin. They were out to get me from Day 1.
We lasted 6 weeks because I'm stubborn and both H and I had 12 weeks off, but oh my god, the noises! People say you get used to them, but I never did. Every little noise woke me up, so I spent the first 6 weeks never fully sleeping - I was always half awake, half asleep, it sucked!
Even though we only kept them in our room for 6 weeks, I loved the RNPs and don't regret getting them. They're a perfect height to put next to your bed and fit perfectly in our small bedroom. They also fold up nice and flat so you can store them easily when you're not using them. If you have any sort of baby consignment store (we have a chain of them near me called Once Upon a Child) keep an eye out, you can usually find them there cheap and the insert detaches to be washed so you don't need to worry about getting it used.