Stay at Home Moms

*~MAJOR UPDATES inside on new format~*

Hi ladies,

Here is the latest update from BK who recently received an update from her Supervisor, which is in italics below:


Hi everyone,

Our supervisor wanted us to pass along this message to you all. Please feel free to reach out to her or us if you have any questions:

As you know, last Wednesday, we converted The Nest boards to a new format and platform that is run by a third-party vendor. The conversion resulted in several bugs and IT issues, including missing posts and slow load times. Our vendor is aware of these issues, and during the past several months has been researching solutions, which pushed back the date of the conversion considerably. They?ve provided us with several performance fixes to address missing threads and slow load times and provided feedback that everything was resolved last week before we converted The Nest boards. Their solution didn?t hold up and that?s why you, along with our Knot members have noticed entire threads disappearing. I met with our CEO and IT team last week and it?s our top priority to fix these two issues quickly, along with address some of your other concerns.

I have received several e-mails forwarded by Bump Kathleen and Nest Dani with complaints regarding our new format change. They have shared all of your feedback with me, and we are moving quickly to respond to your requests to make the new format a better experience for all of our members, including:

-Adding a sort feature with more options. Our vendor supports this feature and is actively working to correct it on The Bump and The Nest so that you?ll be able to sort by most recent post. I will let you know as soon as our vendor has discovered a solution.

-Adding ability for members to easily access their full list of posts and delete when necessary.

-Listing more posts and threads per page.

The Bump boards will not be converted to the new format until we?ve fixed the bugs and addressed your requests.

Please pass along this message to The Nest and The Bump members and feel free to give them my email ( is the best way to reach me) if they would like to personally share their concerns with me.

-Knot Michelle


eclaire 9.10.06  diggy 6.2.11

Re: *~MAJOR UPDATES inside on new format~*

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    SRK128SRK128 member
    Thanks for letting us know!
    Married to Brandon since 2/14/06
    Twin Girls born on January 1st 2012:Brooklyn Avery(Brooke) & Eliana Meredith(Ellie)
    Ellie and Brooke both have Juvenile Diabetes
    Adopted a Brother and Sister in January of 2012
    Levi Ryan-October 25th 2007 and Caroline Paige(Carly)-July 23rd 2009
    Jonah Samuel born April 21st 2013
    Expecting Baby #6-June 2014!
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    The change has completely KILLED the Nest boards :( Makes me sad. I hope people come back... I used to be on F&B a ton and now there have been something like 5 posts since the change last Friday :(
    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
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    Everyone there has moved to pro boards - it is open to all and almost all the "regular" boards are there (fashion, P&CE, H&F, MM, etc). I can't link it (on my iPad and one handed due to nursing, lol), but the link is on several Nest boards. It is moving fairly quickly there.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    Everyone there has moved to pro boards - it is open to all and almost all the "regular" boards are there (fashion, P&CE, H&F, MM, etc). I can't link it (on my iPad and one handed due to nursing, lol), but the link is on several Nest boards. It is moving fairly quickly there.

    I know, I'm actually on there LOL. It still makes me sad though. It's nice having regulars, but it's also nice having a steady flow of newcomers KWIM?

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
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    .... lol-

    I am sorry MrsS. But this is just laughable.

    I know what you said before in a previous post about people get used to the new changes and the regulars stick around- however I just don't think that is the case anymore.

    If the nest/bump were truly listening.... they wouldn't be 'fixing' something NO ONE WANTS changed. So the , 'we are waiting until it's fixed before we implement' is just a complete joke- and a testament to they are NOT listening.


    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I'm with Stacy on this one.  What ever happened to the old 'if it ain't broke...' adage?  The one thing that everyone has complained about FOR YEARS is not having a working Search function and it's still not resolved.

    And here I am, over a year later, and they STILL can't figure out why I can't edit my siggy.  Bump Kathleen was nice enough to email with me about it and it seems that she had IT look into it.  But ultimately, my options are:  1) start over with a new name and lose my post count again (this would be the THIRD time I've had to do this -- since I lost all of my posts with the last two format changes); or 2) email her the code and she'll try to update it on her end.  That's great this one time, but is she going to want to update my siggy every time I want to change pics of my kids?  Probably not.  This is beyond frustrating.

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    I'm just as frustrated as all of you and I, too don't understand WHY the change in the first place as there wasn't much "broken" that needed fixing and what was broken (user names with symbols, like you Sean! and the search function) didn't require an entire new platform. Sigh :(

    I hate that so many are to the point of boycotting The Knot/Nest/Bump entirely, it's hard losing the relationships that have been built here, on this board in particular for me, over the last 4+ years. But I do get why people are annoyed and I do know that a lot of boards have completely DIED and some regulars won't ever return. It's a shame it's come to that...

    eclaire 9.10.06  diggy 6.2.11

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    Amanda- by no means did I want to make you feel like you needed to defend anything- ~ it has nothing to do with you obviously.

    A lot of the boards have died- because the site takes FOOOOOOOOOOOREVER to load- and that is BEFORE you add the bugs of a new format and all the problems that come with it. This site just takes way too long anymore. It isn't worth it.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    Amanda- by no means did I want to make you feel like you needed to defend anything- ~ it has nothing to do with you obviously.

    A lot of the boards have died- because the site takes FOOOOOOOOOOOREVER to load- and that is BEFORE you add the bugs of a new format and all the problems that come with it. This site just takes way too long anymore. It isn't worth it.

    Oh, no worries at all, I'm not offended nor do I feel defensive... I just empathize with you (and everyone else!) and feel bad that this change might not be something we (this board) will bounce back from, like in years past. :(

    eclaire 9.10.06  diggy 6.2.11

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    .... lol-

    I am sorry MrsS. But this is just laughable.

    I know what you said before in a previous post about people get used to the new changes and the regulars stick around- however I just don't think that is the case anymore.

    If the nest/bump were truly listening.... they wouldn't be 'fixing' something NO ONE WANTS changed. So the , 'we are waiting until it's fixed before we implement' is just a complete joke- and a testament to they are NOT listening.


    I have a theory that they do this periodically to purge the people that they think are no longer are in their target demographic. They did it, what five years ago? And now they're doing it again.  I'm trying to figure out what's so new and improved in the new's blue vs. green, and it doesn't work. Forgive me, Nest, for being confused.

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    I'm trying to figure out what's so new and improved in the new's blue vs. green, and it doesn't work. Forgive me, Nest, for being confused.

    I have asked this myself, along with WHY they changed it in the first place, and hope to have an answer soon! I have yet to use the new format on another board to fully see any benefits...

    eclaire 9.10.06  diggy 6.2.11

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    You guys must read this, particularly the response by sonrisa.  Hilarious

    DS 3.12.08
    DD 7.11.09
    DD 8.01.13
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    lol @ balls.


    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I have a theory that they do this periodically to purge the people that they think are no longer are in their target demographic. They did it, what five years ago? 

    I agree with this - I don't think they are concerned with current users opinions.  I think we are a dime a dozen and more will come.  I think the new format, once figured out, will be designed to appeal to new people.  

    A disclaimer - I've only read about 50% of posts on this topic, so I don't know all of the ins and outs of this topic.  

    Also, I suppose I am sad it is going to change, but maybe change is good, and I don't really have a problem with the bump doing this, even for the reason Mrs. Hizzo suspects.  And honestly, since I can't seem to quit this place on my own, I'm kind of hoping this will force me to move on and stop wasting time here! 

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