Baby Names

This link helps with the SS name game.

I found it by accident, but it shows the list of names and their changes. 

I did pretty well in the game - last year I tanked. My only fault was saying Jaxon would be a huge rise - forgetting that parents can't spell and they would need to put the redundant S in there for Jaxson  - making that a larger rise than Jaxon.

ETA calculations: 

Rise: Jaxon =  13, Declan = 97, Penelope = 31

Decline: Jordan (b) = 0, Leslie (g) =  46, Jenna = 29

Total =  217

So I still stunk, but not as bad as last year =)

A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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Re: This link helps with the SS name game.

  • Iker went from 646 to 379?!  WTH?


    ETA:  I did pretty well with my guesses!

    196 for Aria, 97 for Declan, and 35 for Adeline = 328.

    Declining: 32 for Deborah, 53 for Howard, and 123 for Brent (holy cow!) =  208

    Grand total: 536!

    (Note:  original prediction thread is here if you want to calculate.)


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  • Brantley went from 736 to 320 :s yikes...
  • Loading the player...
  • Iker Casillas is a good-looking goalie for Real Madrid.  Since they won the World Cup in 2010, maybe parents got inspired in 2011?
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagesadie8900:
    Brantley went from 736 to 320 :s yikes...

    Yes, this is insane. Anyone who had the foresight to pick that name is an automatic winner.

    BTW, this list only contains names that were in the top 500 in either year, so a lot of names are excluded. 

  • I did ok ? not as well as last year.

    Kinley +37

    Kenley +8

    Harper +64

    Analia -145

    Aaden -235

    Caylee (wrong! went up 79)

    total: 410

  • Harper - +64

    Flynn - at least had never been in the top 1000 before

    Owen - +3

    Nevaeh - -10

    Joshua - -3

    Madison - -0

    So I was not so good at this.  Especially on the declining names.

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  • Rising: Henry (+10), Leo (+25), Theo (+48)

    Declining: Kyron (-60), Nevaeh (-10), Stanley (+9)

    134 ::sad trombone::

    Married 9-4-04

    ***PM me for my IF history***

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  • ta78ta78 member

    Rise. Declan (+97) Harper (+64) Cora (+72)

    Fall. Samantha (-2) Christian (-1) Brian (-21)

    257 total. I did ok on the rising names, but failed on the falling names. 

    Q :  06.25.10
    W : 01.11.13

    #3 : due 11.02.15

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