October 2012 Moms

Gifts for the Doctors after delivery.

Hello Ladies,

I was just wondering what gifts do you normally give to the doctors who deliver you, and what would your budget be.

I am Indian by origin. In my tradition we give silk sarees(traditional indian costume) to the doctors. When my DS was born i gave a silk saree worth 150$ to one of my doctor who delivered me(as she was Indian too), and gave her and other two doctors in the group 100$ worth swarovski crystal figurines. So i spent 450$ for the gifts. I was very pleased and happy to have done that.

This time i am stilll planning for the saree, but not sure what else to give . What do u ladies think. 

Re: Gifts for the Doctors after delivery.

  • I didn't even know people did this..maybe I'm not aware because I'm so young? I know we don't have the money to spend a lot for presents...but I do know a lot of people give the baby picture to them? If this is a usual thing with giving presents to the doctors, please let me know what other options are from other people with a lower budget!! 


    That was very nice though of what you gave them!  Very sentimental.

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Not a tradition here! But hey, if you can afford that, kudos to you!
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  • This isn't normally practiced here. Usually people will give a picture and thank you card to the doctor.
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  • I work in medicine and this is not a normal custom here. Honestly a heartfelt note of thanks means the world to us, even more than a gift. I know the OBs enjoy a picture of the baby along with the note.
  • lcole08lcole08 member
    We won't be doing anything - not a tradition here.  Last time we just sent our Dr. DD's newborn picture with a thank you.
    DD1 - 08.10
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  • Never heard of this either.  Huh.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That's very sweet, and nice you follow the tradition.  We didn't do anything for our OB, I think I went through 3 rotations before one of them delivered DS.
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  • A thank you card and a pic. They get paid enough!

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  • We didn't get our Doctor anything, and I do kind of wish I had given it some thought.  It never even crossed my mind.  I don't think it's very common around here, but I may do chocolate and a card or something this time.

  • Wow, that's super thoughtful of you. Definitely not the custom here. My DH is in medicine and I think he would agree with a thoughtful note and baby pic.

    I have had friends bring cookies to the delivery for their nurses, which the nurses loved.

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  • MrsMDemMrsMDem member

    I will not be giving a gift, I didn't even know people did that. But I will be sending a Thank you and of course a picture to AW my LO. My Dr. is really awesome and has been through 2 m/c's and hopefully the birth of this LO. I want him to know how thankful I am for this baby that he helped get here.

    Without him, I would not be having a successful pregnancy right now due to some genetic things we didn't know I have.


    BFP #1 on 8/10/11 EDD 4/21/12~ m/c 8/16/11 at 4w6d
    BFP #2 on 1/15/12 EDD 9/26/12~ m/c 1/22/12 at 4w4d
    BFP #3 on 2/15/12 EDD 10/28/12 BFP Chart
    ~~Baby MDem Born 11/7/12~~

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  • We were so pleased with our doctor and the care we received in the hospital that my husband went home on the morning of our last day there and baked them all cupcakes. They were so surprised and grateful and said they'd never had a father bring them baked goods before. He's a keeper.  Big Smile  I wouldn't buy gifts though. That seems extreme.
    imageLilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I got my doctor a basket of Harry & David pears (he's diabetic) for him and the ladies in the office.  I feel like they've become part of my family so it was just a thank you and I felt a kind gesture.  I also sent a birth announcement.
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    BFP 1.12.12 - EDD 10.12.12 - Stick baby stick!
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    Beta #2(19DPO) - Beta 1767 Prog 54 - Beta #3(26DPO) -
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  • LLB430LLB430 member
    I had a really rough pregnancy and spent lots of time with each of the doctors in the group....I think there were a total of 5 of them.  So at my pp check up I brought in little note pads that had their initial on them ($15 each) and a thank you card for each.  I had only planned to do something for the doc that was delievering me but due to the circumstances did something for each of them.  I am sure a thank you card is sufficient enough. 
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    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
  • We just sent a thank you along with a picture of DS and OB together after he was born.  We also sent a birth announcement.  It's still up on their wall at the OBs office.  We will probably do the same with this one.  And maybe send some chocolates, I like that idea.
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  • I like the idea of a birth announcement, thank you card and maybe chocolates. After all the $ spent for doc visits, delivery and hospital bills I dont think buying an expensive gift will be on my priority list. Something small would be a nice gesture unless you have more moola to spend. That is very thoughtful though!
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  • We did birth favors for staff, and friends/family who visited. We had recycled paper that you plant for flowers in the shape of a bird, and bird seeds molded in a heart shape in a cute package with a tag that read " thank you for helping celebrate the addition of our love bird to our nest." we also sent birth announcements to my Ob's office. 
  • In American culture, it is not common to give gifts to people for performing a service they are being paid for.  I gave my OB a copy of DS's birth announcement for their bulletin board, and wrote a nice thank you note to the L&D nurse I really liked.  I don't intend to do more than that this time around, either.
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  • Kudos to you for doing this but I won't be giving a gift to someone who is doing their job.  No one gives me gifts when I finish my work day
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  • I probably won't be giving my OB a gift after delivery, but I have brought the OB office staff homemade cookies to appointments before... mostly because they were so nice after my miscarriage and so helpful with TTGP this second time... opening the office early for me to get my Clomid-monitoring ultrasounds before work, etc.  They are awesome.  
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  • I have been through a lot with my OB and when DS was born a month early and spent time in the NICU I sent both my OB office and the NICU nurses an edible arrangement.  I will probably send my OB's office another arrangement this time as well.  I love my OB and I know I would not have these blessings without her.  I also send the office a birth anouncement and Christmas cards.
    After a loss at 13wks and years dealing with IF and failed treatments (3 failed IUI and 1 failed IVF), we have been blessed with DS (surprise BFP) and now his little sister (2nd round of clomid and TI) on her way. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker image
  • That was very nice of you and I love the tradition!  I've heard from some nurse friends that they are not allowed to accept personal gifts but they can accept food things to share with everyone.  I wanted to make something (I sew) to give to all the nurses at my RE office, but after a nurse friend told me about the gifts, I decided to just send them a birth announcement and photo later.
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  • That's not customary here.  Doctors get paid very well for what they do.  It's not like they are in an industry where they rely on tips.  We will be sending a pic and a thank you note.
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    TTC #1 since Sept 2010
    DX = Endo and right tube blocked
    IUI #1-3 - 50mg Clomid, 75iu Gonal, Ovidrel, Progesterone = BFN
    IVF #1 - ER = 9R, 9M, 8F; 5DT of 1 embryo (3 frosties) = BFP!!
    Beta #1 (17dpo) = 496, Beta #2 (20dpo) = 1318, Beta #3 (22dpo) = 2190
    EDD Oct 9, 2012
  • MrsRabbMrsRabb member
    I'm getting mine a bottle of wine. But since my nurses are more important, I am going to order them dinner (depending on the shift) pizza or donuts ;)
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