Hello Ladies,
I was just wondering what gifts do you normally give to the doctors who deliver you, and what would your budget be.
I am Indian by origin. In my tradition we give silk sarees(traditional indian costume) to the doctors. When my DS was born i gave a silk saree worth 150$ to one of my doctor who delivered me(as she was Indian too), and gave her and other two doctors in the group 100$ worth swarovski crystal figurines. So i spent 450$ for the gifts. I was very pleased and happy to have done that.
This time i am stilll planning for the saree, but not sure what else to give . What do u ladies think.
Re: Gifts for the Doctors after delivery.
I didn't even know people did this..maybe I'm not aware because I'm so young? I know we don't have the money to spend a lot for presents...but I do know a lot of people give the baby picture to them? If this is a usual thing with giving presents to the doctors, please let me know what other options are from other people with a lower budget!!
That was very nice though of what you gave them! Very sentimental.
I'm Britt. Me 29 | MH 29
We didn't get our Doctor anything, and I do kind of wish I had given it some thought. It never even crossed my mind. I don't think it's very common around here, but I may do chocolate and a card or something this time.
I have had friends bring cookies to the delivery for their nurses, which the nurses loved.
I will not be giving a gift, I didn't even know people did that. But I will be sending a Thank you and of course a picture to AW my LO. My Dr. is really awesome and has been through 2 m/c's and hopefully the birth of this LO. I want him to know how thankful I am for this baby that he helped get here.
Without him, I would not be having a successful pregnancy right now due to some genetic things we didn't know I have.
BFP #1 on 8/10/11 EDD 4/21/12~ m/c 8/16/11 at 4w6d
BFP #2 on 1/15/12 EDD 9/26/12~ m/c 1/22/12 at 4w4d
BFP #3 on 2/15/12 EDD 10/28/12 BFP Chart
~~Baby MDem Born 11/7/12~~
BFP 7.16.11 - Chemical M/C 7.26.11
BFP 1.12.12 - EDD 10.12.12 - Stick baby stick!
Beta#1 (12DPO) - Beta 48 Prog 34
Beta #2(19DPO) - Beta 1767 Prog 54 - Beta #3(26DPO) -
My BFP Chart
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
After a loss at 13wks and years dealing with IF and failed treatments (3 failed IUI and 1 failed IVF), we have been blessed with DS (surprise BFP) and now his little sister (2nd round of clomid and TI) on her way.
PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.
TTC #1 since Sept 2010
DX = Endo and right tube blocked
IUI #1-3 - 50mg Clomid, 75iu Gonal, Ovidrel, Progesterone = BFN
IVF #1 - ER = 9R, 9M, 8F; 5DT of 1 embryo (3 frosties) = BFP!!
Beta #1 (17dpo) = 496, Beta #2 (20dpo) = 1318, Beta #3 (22dpo) = 2190
EDD Oct 9, 2012